You didn't have enough money to heal your Minions. (in General)

Wizard'sFirstRule October 6 2008 2:07 AM EDT

I manage to blacksmith my weapon, and then this happen.

You didn't have enough money to heal your Minions.

I am not allowed to transfer money to this character I suppose, and I can't fight/have no disposable item to sell. I am stuck.

Kefeck [Demonic Serenity] October 6 2008 2:09 AM EDT

I was wondering what about this not to long ago.

SNK3R October 6 2008 2:28 AM EDT

Added $16 to Godwolf_Clone's tournament character.

Slayer can deduct, if necessary, at a later date.

Wizard'sFirstRule October 6 2008 2:33 AM EDT


Cube October 6 2008 6:10 AM EDT

You could've disenchanted a point.

Wizard'sFirstRule October 6 2008 7:14 AM EDT

its a compound bow. can't disenchant those.

PearsonTritonRaveshaw October 6 2008 8:41 AM EDT

SNK, you're awesome bud. =)

Cube October 6 2008 11:07 AM EDT

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