I'm pretty sure stay away from LCD's. If you have a LCD you almost have to be perpendicular to the t.v. to see it. If your an angle toward the t.v. you cant see it or it is unclear. Kind of like looking at a digital camera from an angle.
My roomate has a LCD Samsung 40" TV. It's nice, not bad at an angle. But it is just so pixelated on regular TV. As far as my 360 on his TV goes, it is awesome, IMHO.
October 6 2008 1:07 AM EDT
Pixels will be pixels, no matter what TV you have. What will be the viewing distance?
October 6 2008 2:21 AM EDT
I chose LCD because of the burn-in issue. If playing video games (or something similar), you run into the same background being displayed constantly. The image can be burned into the screen. The LCD doesn't do this, as far as I've researched.
Also, I have a 46" Samsung HDTV and have no issues with watching the screen from an angle.
As far as pixels, I have an HDMI cable for my HD box for TV, so I have no issues at all with watching HD channels. Sure, it may become a slight issue if you're watching the 420 TV channels. But, really, it's not like it'll kill your eyes. Just switch over to the HD channel or live with it. The TV choice won't make it better (ultimately), it's the display of the broadcast.
If you plan to play video games online, you may want to compare screen lag times. I play halo competitively and this is a huge deal when comparing tvs.
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