Tattoo Leveling? (in General)

Roachenfuss September 12 2008 12:05 AM EDT

so i started with a lesser tattoo of augmentation and leveled up to 70k with my character... but know i purchased a regular ToA and i dunno what is the fastest way to get it up to level for my main character. do they level based on minion exp earned or by team totals?

Admindudemus [jabberwocky] September 12 2008 12:11 AM EDT

i believe it is based on team totals, fight all your ba and get the best challenge bonus ya can. g'luck!

Yukk September 12 2008 12:11 AM EDT

Tattoos level as EXP is gained. Unfortunately, Max Tattoo level grows faster than even regular tats do so it will always fall behind unless you can get someone with a N*B char to power level it for you.

Colonel Custard [The Knighthood] September 12 2008 12:14 AM EDT

They level by team totals. The fastest way to level it up is to use the experience bonus you get as a new user (the NUB), because then your total experience is obviously much higher. Also, be sure to click the "Get More" link in your BA box on the sidebar for some free extra BA that you can use to more quickly level your character and tattoo.

However, your character's Max Tattoo Level will grow more quickly than your tattoo's level grows, no matter what you do. That's no big deal; once it gets to be a significant difference, you could insta up or try to sell your tattoo and buy a larger one. Remember, though, that having a tattoo below your Max Tat Level is not always a bad thing, as long as you're still able to win battles against characters around your level.

Colonel Custard [The Knighthood] September 12 2008 12:16 AM EDT

P.S. The "get more" link refreshes every day at midnight Eastern Standard Time, so it's best to use all your free BA every day, because it won't "roll over." If it's still there at midnight, you've lost it, essentially.

{Wookie}-Jir.Vr- September 12 2008 1:26 AM EDT

One thing to note, I've noticed that if your tattoo is over your max tattoo level, it won't gain any experience...

So if your tattoo is lvl 100,000 and your max tattoo lvl is only 90,000 it wont grow. (That I'm aware of)

DrAcO5676 [The Knighthood III] September 12 2008 2:01 AM EDT

Jiraiya 1:26 AM EDT
"One thing to note, I've noticed that if your tattoo is over your max tattoo level, it won't gain any experience...

So if your tattoo is lvl 100,000 and your max tattoo lvl is only 90,000 it wont grow. (That I'm aware of)"

You are correct sir... and any tat over the level of your max tat is only working at the max tat level... in essence you are wasting 10k of its levels.

BadFish September 12 2008 2:58 AM EDT

Not really, since once your Max Tattoo Level catches up with your tat's level, it will start to grow again. IMO, it's best to always have a tat thats at least at your MTL or even higher to assure you're as strong as you can be, unless you intend to level a tat.

Usul [CHOAM] September 12 2008 3:15 AM EDT

fastest way is to trade with another person with the tattoo level you want :P Of course it comes with a fee that equates fraction of n/w difference
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