August 30 2008 9:25 PM EDT
Is it just me, or do all of the new player posts in the New Players forum annoy anyone else?
What really is the purpose of the forum, anyway, other than to get newbies to post and get a small change of money?
Does not annoy me at all. Many have posted with actual introduction as well, which is nice to get to know another person.
August 30 2008 9:46 PM EDT
Eh, they don't really annoy me. It's just a newbie introduction.
I do get annoyed when they post solely for the purpose of collecting the reward, but then, that's human nature - and the goal was designed to take advantage of it.
August 30 2008 9:55 PM EDT
I like it; it gets new players off on the right foot in regards to the feel of the community- there's always someone who hospitably says "Hi!", which is how I like to think the community is, in one word.
I turned off the New Players forum long ago.
August 30 2008 11:57 PM EDT
> What really is the purpose of the forum
to make sure new players know there *are* forums and get them to look for them. that's all. it does its job just fine.
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