Time to go (in Off-topic)

FuriousHobo August 25 2008 8:49 PM EDT

Hello CB. To all who are reading, I thank you all for being a part of this game and making this experience here so entertaining. I really appreciate all the people who talked to me in chat and made me laugh. Other than that, as you all can see, it is my time to go. I have made the decision that this game will no longer be a part of my life, now that school has become more and more important to me.

I would like to thank these particular people:
TheHatchetman: You helped me through this game a lot and got me into it. :]
Solid Snake: You were a fantastic friend. :)
OB: You made me laugh.
Gun: You made chat awkward but interesting.

Props to my clan and for Dreadknought to take care of it well. :)

And as i said before, Thank all the people who made the CB community such a distinguishable experience.

Love you all!

j'bob August 25 2008 8:51 PM EDT

Always sad to see someone go. All the best in RL!!!
Enjoy the cake!

00 August 25 2008 8:51 PM EDT

Thats has got to be the most heartfelt "thing" i have ever read. And good bye, thought i didnt know you.

th00p August 25 2008 8:55 PM EDT

and don't forget the dude who gave you that awesome name!

we'll miss you boob!

TheHatchetman August 25 2008 9:53 PM EDT

Later dude. Best of luck to ya until you return (Yup, I said it! You'll be back. They always come back :P) ^_^

ResistanZ2 [The Knighthood] August 25 2008 10:01 PM EDT

XD See ya Boob. Come back soon. Chyeah.

[RX3]Cotillion August 25 2008 10:06 PM EDT

Damn, maybe I shouldn't have paid back that full $1.5m that I owed you yet.

Ah well. See ya around.

Vaynard [Fees Dirt Cheap] August 25 2008 10:09 PM EDT

Sorry to hear you are leaving. Enjoy that weird thing they call the 'real world' and feel free to come back someday when you have the time! Take care!

QBOddBird August 28 2008 7:26 PM EDT

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