Weird Unarmed combat thing (in New players)

NIG August 16 2008 12:54 PM EDT

I've trained unarmed combat, and equipped a pair of +5 Helm's Gauntlets.

In equip, My Unarmed combat is 8/0

However, it shows this in the post battle stats

Unarmed Combat 160
Melee Base to-Hit 50
Melee Bonus to-Hit 9
Total Evasion 23

Why is my evasion 23?
And Unarmed Combat 160?

AdminNemesia [Demonic Serenity] August 16 2008 1:00 PM EDT

that is all right. your evasion is 1/3 or 1/2 (if you have the Gi on) the lvl of your UC converted to evasion. The UC is 20 times the effect and pth is 1.2 times the effect. the 160 is the x part of it.

NIG August 16 2008 1:20 PM EDT

Oh, Gotcha.
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