congrats to picasso, or god of fire ; ) (in Off-topic)

Admindudemus [jabberwocky] August 7 2008 6:34 PM EDT

i think picasso will overtake me first, but god of fire's character might end up higher! congrats to the owner of largest single minion team in the game as well as possibly the largest minion in the entire game.

ps ~ i would still love to see that stat added when the stat pages are redone.

Picasso August 7 2008 8:18 PM EDT

Hehe... I thought I might go the whole NCB unnoticed...

Thanks =)

Admindudemus [jabberwocky] August 7 2008 9:13 PM EDT

no chance, been checking you daily for the last coupla weeks in fact!

Sickone August 7 2008 10:15 PM EDT

Fighting with RoE, switching to ToE on defence or fighting with ToE from a certain MPR upwards ?

Picasso August 7 2008 10:19 PM EDT

RoE to 6/20 then with ToE

Dark Dreky August 8 2008 3:44 PM EDT

Nice work! =)

God Of Fire August 8 2008 4:07 PM EDT

i think he will have me beat, but i still use a ToE definsively and fight with an RoE
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