Saying Hello (in New players)

Haika August 1 2008 1:32 PM EDT

Well this should be interesting seeing as how I seem to have picked a very similar name to a more experienced player.

I assure you this has been my net name for a long time, and I had no idea who this Hakai person was before I came here.

So, that said.

Hiya :)


QBOddBird August 1 2008 1:36 PM EDT

I find myself entirely unassured, and grab a pitchfork and torch.


That being said, hi to you too. :) If you have any questions about CB, feel free to ask, we'd love to help!

Hakai [Aye Phelta Thi] August 1 2008 1:50 PM EDT

He totally lies. He's so my multi! ;p

I like his name. It's going to make chat fun and interesting!

Welcome to CB! *huggles*

And to clarify, I am female. He is male (making chat even more fun and confusing! lol)

Vaynard [Fees Dirt Cheap] August 1 2008 2:00 PM EDT

Hello and welcome! We'll try not to give you too much grief over being the male-version multi of Hakai ;) lol. Yeah, had to get that one jab in. Now I feel bad. Anyway, welcome, have fun!

lostling August 1 2008 2:05 PM EDT

welcome to CB again hakai 's multi =x

VivaPinata August 1 2008 2:37 PM EDT

That seems reasonable enough... having two peoples with totally similar names and avatars... >_>

Yeah... okay...


Welcome to CB! The more Hakais/Haikas, the better!

j'bob August 1 2008 2:42 PM EDT

Hello new person Haika. You must dye your hair blue as soon as possible as it is a requirement for all of Hakai's multies.
Thank you in advance.
Love, cake.

and some blue contacts would be nice as well, but we'll see if you last first.
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