A revival...with a twist! (in Off-topic)

Hakai [Aye Phelta Thi] July 30 2008 12:48 AM EDT

We've all been here...

Ok, so we all know this exists. Some love it, some hate it. But.

Have you heard the whole thing?

A must click for fans

Little Anthony July 30 2008 12:53 AM EDT

oh no..i cannot watch it anymore. I am addicted.

DSFARGEG July 30 2008 12:56 AM EDT

* DSFARGEG smites Hakai

INDColtsFan18 July 30 2008 1:29 AM EDT


FailBoat[SG] [Forever Alone] July 30 2008 5:15 AM EDT

You've been watching for 1200 seconds...

And counting. <.<

Obscurans July 30 2008 6:15 AM EDT

* FGSFDS c-c-c-c-combo breaks Hakai

Angel of Death [Hell Blenders] July 30 2008 11:47 AM EDT

im down to 15300secs, man i cant stop it :|

INDColtsFan18 July 30 2008 1:01 PM EDT

I don't understand how any human who doesn't understand Japanese could stand to listen to this, I mean it's just a looping song of jibberish to me....Seriously you have this on a playlist?

BluBBen July 30 2008 1:35 PM EDT

It's not Japanese it's Swedish...

INDColtsFan18 July 30 2008 1:45 PM EDT

Alright same difference. Props to those who understand it or who can enjoy it.

SimplyNic July 30 2008 2:36 PM EDT

xD Rofl! Funniest thing I've seen in a while

I'm sad though :_( 310 seconds into it and my browser dies

Hakai [Aye Phelta Thi] July 30 2008 2:44 PM EDT

I really do have it on a playlist, IND ^_^

And I am not sure why, but I've always liked songs with a great beat and melody. The fact that I can't always understand them never stops me either. I just do my best to learn the new lyrics.

I know how to sing lots of Japanese songs, in both Japanese and English. It's not too hard to do. Just takes time and dedication ;p+

But I must say, the Caramel Dansen song lyrics are VERY hard for me to learn.

Anyway, the song roughly transliterates to this:

"Dance with us
clap your hands
do as we do
step a few steps to the left

Listen and learn
Don't miss the chance
Now you are here
At the candy dance"


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