Chat down again? (in General)

QBRanger July 22 2008 10:43 AM EDT

Is it?

BluBBen July 22 2008 10:44 AM EDT

It is for me.

VivaPinata July 22 2008 10:44 AM EDT

It is for me. Twenty minutes ago, CB was down too. =/

Phrede July 22 2008 10:44 AM EDT

not just chat everything went down for me - just back up now

winner winner July 22 2008 10:46 AM EDT

everything went down for me and chat isn't working for me right now

Phrede July 22 2008 10:48 AM EDT

yeah chats not back yet

{cb1}Linguala July 22 2008 10:51 AM EDT

yep, still no chat here...

QBOddBird July 22 2008 11:34 AM EDT

But it is up again, thanks Jon :)

winner winner July 22 2008 11:39 AM EDT

It's still down for me.

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] July 22 2008 11:47 AM EDT

SK/('-') is having trouble with the chat client flooding chat with join/leave messages... Been happening for at least two days now.

Anyone else having this sort of trouble?

Hakai [Aye Phelta Thi] July 22 2008 11:50 AM EDT

I don't see any join/leave messages at all. I just thought they were done away with in my absence...

Is this not the case?

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] July 22 2008 11:59 AM EDT

the new chat client doesn't display them...
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