Shields (in Changelog)

AdminJonathan June 29 2008 12:01 AM EDT

Increased MS base to 22 [was 20]; upgrade costs decreased

Increased SoC effect to 0.5% of damage absorbed per + (was 0.25); increases damage by 2x the absorbed amount (was 1x)

AdminNightStrike June 29 2008 12:02 AM EDT

Is damage against AS now increased?

TheHatchetman June 29 2008 12:04 AM EDT


w00t Jon!!! :D

TheHatchetman June 29 2008 12:04 AM EDT

NS, I imagine it would be, while being used with a MoD... :P

QBOddBird June 29 2008 12:06 AM EDT

Awesome, hurray for the SoC as a useful item! You rule Jon!

Also, is there any possibility of adding "SoC" to the spell check? Much love to whichever admin does it first!

Greyfeld June 29 2008 12:29 AM EDT

jon, i think you may have missed a decimal when you tweaked the numbers. My SoC is at +20, and I'm negating all physical damage, and reflecting numbers in the millions >.<

AdminJonathan June 29 2008 12:41 AM EDT


QBOddBird June 29 2008 12:41 AM EDT

sweet greyfeld!! Super bug!

Greyfeld June 29 2008 12:44 AM EDT

lol i had to fight the urge to abuse it :P

Admindudemus [jabberwocky] June 29 2008 12:56 AM EDT

i propose an amulet called "jon's bane"! it randomly moves decimal places around making items uber or worthless.

AdminJonathan June 29 2008 12:56 AM EDT

hey now... :P

AdminNightStrike June 29 2008 1:38 AM EDT

Several people in chat pointed out that I was very unclear in my question.

I wanted to know if this 2x of the SOC gets multiplied further by the 2x of the MOD against AS-based HP. So basically, if I have a shield with 100 damage stored in it, it'll dole out 200 damage. If I'm using a MOD that also is going to inflict 100 damage, and I attack an AS user, the MOD will land a blow for 200 and the SOC will either add another 200 or get multiplied by the MOD "Anti-AS" attribute for 400.

Sounding it out, I'm guessing the two are separate, so it's 200 a piece, but who knows.....

QBOddBird June 29 2008 2:30 AM EDT

There is still a SoC bug.

Hal shot Clotho for no damage
Hal hit Clotho for no damage
Hal hit Clotho for no damage
Hal shot Clotho for no damage

Hal shot Clotho for no damage
Hal hit Clotho for no damage
Hal shot Clotho for no damage
Hal hit Clotho for no damage
Lachesis's shot ricocheted near Hal
Atropos overshot Astor

Hal hit Clotho for no damage
Hal hit Clotho for no damage
Hal shot Clotho for no damage
Hal shot Clotho for no damage
Lachesis's shot flew past Hal
Atropos's shot flew past Astor

Hal shot Clotho for no damage
Hal hit Clotho for no damage
Hal hit Clotho for no damage
Hal hit Clotho for no damage
Lachesis's shot flew past Hal
Atropos overshot Astor

Hal hit Clotho for no damage
Hal hit Clotho for no damage
Hal shot Clotho for no damage
Hal shot Clotho for no damage
Lachesis undershot Hal
Atropos undershot Astor

Hal shot Clotho for no damage
Hal hit Clotho for no damage
Hal hit Clotho for no damage
Hal hit Clotho for no damage
Morgan takes damage from his own Decay (12744)!
Morgan's Decay hit Clotho for no damage

As you can see, I'm hitting Proteus for absolutely zero damage every time on a minion that otherwise has little AC.

QBOddBird June 29 2008 2:32 AM EDT

Oh, and this is a point where an auto-advance toggle would be useful.

Until the bug is fixed, I'm auto-advancing right back to the guy who's bugged to be invincible against me.

AdminJonathan June 29 2008 5:21 AM EDT

ah, I didn't restart the server so the ones that got loaded before the fix would still be bugged until cache flush. so, you're good now.

Wizard'sFirstRule June 29 2008 5:58 AM EDT

thanks Jon. My heavy AC tank (mini-tank according to hatch) is that much better. Not to mention a refund to help me fund my new minions/repaid my loan.

QBRanger June 29 2008 7:55 AM EDT

Cloudscape's shield flashes! [6,813,071]
Cloudscape crushed Frustration [2962219]

Love that SoD.

QBRanger June 29 2008 7:59 AM EDT

Still does nothing vs magic and overall for me and me only, is still not a good choice.

Lord Bob June 29 2008 2:48 PM EDT

Agreed. Even despite it's nerfs this month, I'd be a sitting duck without my Mage Shield. The SoC sounds much better now, but I still have to last to melee to use it, and I just can't do that without a Mage Shield.

Besides, with Evasion bring what it is, the SoC may be completely useless is some battles anyway, since I'd never hit to begin with. I'd rather have the extra protection than the possibility to do more damage if I even hit at all.

Brakke Bres [Ow man] June 29 2008 2:54 PM EDT

6mil free damage? not bad.

QBRanger June 29 2008 2:57 PM EDT

Very true Henk.

But then again one has to live long enough while taking all that damage to try to give it.

For me, it is not a viable option.

Especially with the new spell attacking front minions and CoC/FB attacking all minions. I need magic protection much more then physical. Esp since I can use evasion and drop physical damage to 0. And trying to hit evasion is a non win as well.
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