Double damage festival (in General)

Daz June 20 2008 1:14 PM EDT

Okay, assuming a tank is wielding a MoD, SoC and has BL trained and hits a foe with AS up

The MoD with all of their stats does 10 damage (In this example)
In ranged, they get shot a few times totaling 30 points absorbed by the SoC. The SoC damage is added to the MoD damage:
40 damage.
Since they have BL trained, this is doubled to 80.
Since the enemy currently has AS up and hasn't yet been hurt, we double our damage to 160.

Is this correct, or does BL or MoD double damage only double the Base damage, not the total? (In which case this example would be 120 end damage)

Does the SoC damage not get doubled? I can only presume it does, since it's just tacked on to the MoD damage.

Sorry I haven't used realistic numbers or if I have stuff (totally) wrong. I really haven't paid attention to tanks at all since CB1.

QBOddBird June 20 2008 2:21 PM EDT

Pretty sure SoC doesn't return all the damage absorbed. It's 25%, so 7.5 points added from SoC.

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] June 20 2008 2:25 PM EDT

It returns the same amount as it absorbs.
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