RBF (in Changelog)

AdminJonathan June 18 2008 1:54 PM EDT

Reduced RBF's magic resistance by 10%, and its physical damage about 6%.

three4thsforsaken June 18 2008 1:55 PM EDT

rejoice rejoice!

Brakke Bres [Ow man] June 18 2008 1:56 PM EDT

Don't punish us all! Go after those single minions!

Brakke Bres [Ow man] June 18 2008 1:56 PM EDT

Since when did it reduce physical damage?

IndependenZ June 18 2008 1:58 PM EDT

It didn't, Henk. The damage output has been reduced. :)

QBRanger June 18 2008 1:58 PM EDT

The damage it does?

QBRanger June 18 2008 1:59 PM EDT

But is not its damage not physical?

Or does the new shield work on RBF damage? I hope it does, that would give it some use.

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] June 18 2008 2:02 PM EDT


Its damage was never a problem, especially if the new Shield absorbs it (which it should if it's Physical and not Fire...)

Reducing the Magic damage reduciton by 10% just makes the problem less noticable. It's still a direct reduction after the layers.

And the bonus it gives to Evasion is already negligable.

Poor RBF. :(

QBsutekh137 June 18 2008 2:13 PM EDT

Thank you, Jonathan.

AdminNightStrike June 18 2008 3:13 PM EDT

Wow, didn't see that coming..

FailBoat[SG] [Forever Alone] June 18 2008 3:34 PM EDT

Meh, time to test this bad boy out.

Usul [CHOAM] June 18 2008 8:02 PM EDT

don't really make too much of a difference. They're just taking more rounds to win me. Because they can still afford to cast super AMF on me and laugh at my own suicidal attempts :) As well as learning super evasion and laugh at poor tanks.
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