So, I finished my 2nd book today... (in Off-topic)

QBBarzooMonkey June 8 2008 5:58 PM EDT

Yeah, so I finished editing my 2nd manuscript today. It won't be too long now before I start sending packages out to potential agents and/or publishers...

Ya'll are probably wondering, "yeah, so?"...

Well, the reason I'm posting is because they are Carnage Blender inspired. That's right, this place and you guys were the muse that pushed me into writing fantasy novels, something that I've been wanting to do since high school...

The one I just finished is called Canis Mythos: Canis bellatoris, Book I. The one I finished in February is called Canis Mythos: Canis ursus, and it's the back story for one of the main heroes of Canis bellatoris.

You see, I started writing a story about my character's minions (at that time) for a forum contest back in August 2005, or so. It inspired me a little, and I expanded it into 2 and a half chapters, and then set it aside for a while. When we (my brothers, sisters, Mrs. Monkey and I) had to start Hospice care for my dad in Fall of 2007, one of my times to take care of him was Sunday morning-afternoon. By Sunday morning, he was always worn out from visits from one of my out-of-town brothers who came in every Friday night, so he would sleep most of the day away, and I was there to make sure he was taken care of if he woke up (meds, lunch, etc.). I started writing again, which he thought was the greatest thing, that I would sit next to his bed and write every Sunday morning.

So, he lasted for 6 and a half months, and I got through 1/2 of Canis bellatoris and 9/10 of Canis ursus, but then I lost him, and my job, both in the same week. I kept going to the house every Sunday morning to visit with my mom and keep writing, until she decided that she wanted to move into and assisted living apartment, but by then I finished the first draft of Canis ursus.

In between my job searches, I kept writing, drew maps and worked out relationships, histories, and languages for the mythos. Since then, I've found a new job, and kept writing (my first drafts are literally pen-on-legal pads) and editing (manuscripts in MS Word) whenever I had (have) a few minutes to spare, and I'm finally ready to try to share it with the world...

Anyways, thanks guys, for the inspiration. I mean that with deepest sincerity. And thanks especially to Jonathan. I mean it when I say that you are the [insert expletive designed to amplify the positive nature of my sentiment] best, man!


Admindudemus [jabberwocky] June 8 2008 5:59 PM EDT

woot, congrats to ya! : )

Pheather June 8 2008 6:00 PM EDT

That's [insert expletive designed to amplify the positive nature of my sentiment] awesome! I really want to read those!

AdminG Beee June 8 2008 6:04 PM EDT

Does it have Monkey Pirate Ninja's !?

QBBast [Hidden Agenda] June 8 2008 6:08 PM EDT

That's fabulous, Mr. Monkey!

QBBarzooMonkey June 8 2008 6:16 PM EDT

Mojo lifted his bow to fire and sighted the Gecko closest to the middle ladder from the starboard ship.
モWhy are you waiting for them, boys?ヤ he shouted to his crew. モLetメs face it with a card of ten! Do you want to live forever?ヤ He then let fly with his arrow and pierced his targetメs left eye, killing the Gecko instantly. As if on cue, three dozen Ninja Pirate Monkeys rushed the six ladder-bridges with shouts and cries, all in unison. A moment later, a swarm of Lizard raiders did the same.

Um, yes. :)

AdminG Beee June 8 2008 6:21 PM EDT

Everyone has a book inside them, and you my friend have many if what I've witnessed over the years is anything to go by.

Fantastic Barzoo, I hope you get from it exactly what you're looking for. Well done!

hzarb June 8 2008 6:29 PM EDT

That's awesome... good luck with the agents & publishers.. keep at it, whatever the outcome...

Tyriel [123456789] June 8 2008 6:38 PM EDT

I'll be looking forward to reading about Ninja Pirate Monkeys. :D

Good luck with those agents and/or publishers. Perhaps you should train some Ninja Pirate Monkeys to 'persuade' them of how awesome your books are? ;)

{cb1}Linguala June 8 2008 7:09 PM EDT

I hope it becomes an international hit, that way, maybe I can read it here too.

AdminQBVerifex June 8 2008 7:36 PM EDT

Wow, that's pretty amazing. Maybe Jon should change the tag-line of CB to:

"Carnage Blender: game-invading, spin-off-inducing, crazy-contest-making, book-inspiring, t-shirt-wearing, community-blending since 2001!"

Eurynome Bartleby [Bartleby's] June 8 2008 7:50 PM EDT

Dude, (Or Mister, whichever you prefer) as a fellow writer, all I can say is

HECK YEAH. Congratulations on writing two freaking complete books. It is quite the achievement and I sincerely hope that you are satisfied with your work.

THAT's what's important anyway, right? Of course I also hope all goes well with the publishing ;)

QBOddBird June 8 2008 8:44 PM EDT

Wow, that's fantastic!! I can hardly wait to read them! Congratulations!!

Blarg June 9 2008 12:08 AM EDT

wew, i should totally read your books when they come out. Congrats!

[RX3]Cotillion June 9 2008 12:16 AM EDT

So what do we need to do to get into the book? j.k.

Best of luck to the success of your books. Lookin forward to getting to read them...

[LittleRed]Calynne June 9 2008 12:42 AM EDT

Well, good luck with all that, and I hope it goes well for you. :)

I have several ideas in my head for books, but I don't think they'll ever really come into fruition. I'm not very good at creating conflict. My areas are solving conflicts, so I can never really think of a good reason for a book to come about. =P

Maybe when I get older I'll figure something out and start writing out the full story on my ideas, but you definitely are beating me to it. ;)

Have fun!

QBJohnnywas June 9 2008 1:59 AM EDT

I want copies!!!

lostling June 9 2008 2:08 AM EDT

i would buy one :) i really would =x

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] June 9 2008 3:38 AM EDT

:D That's brilliant mate!

Now, shall we buy, or steal off the internet! :P

QBJohnnywas June 9 2008 3:39 AM EDT

Of course we could be lazy and wait for the films...

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] June 9 2008 3:51 AM EDT

But films never really capture the essence of a book. :(

chuck1234 June 9 2008 4:03 AM EDT

Congratz on completing your MSS, BM; that's swell and i know it better since i have first-hand experience, my book is still in structure/ plot stage, with lotsa rough drafts lying all around the room and on the HDD lol....i won't be going the printed route tho', its gonna be pdf thru internet delivery....maybe, u oughtta check the various self-publishing options if ur thinkin of limited printed edition for a select audience, like, etc. places....

Marlfox [Cult of the Valaraukar] June 16 2008 3:03 PM EDT

Wow, great job Barzoo!
If you want, I can make you a PDF of the MS Word doc, with Adobe Acrobat Professional 7.0. ;)
Good luck with publishing! (And, if it all goes bad, you could try Lulu.)

QBsutekh137 June 16 2008 3:11 PM EDT

Congratulations! Let us know when it hits Amazon, or just sent me a PDF! *smile*

{cb2}ShadeSlayer June 16 2008 3:19 PM EDT

I'll buy the first Copy, just CM me and we'll discuss :)

AdminJonathan June 16 2008 4:22 PM EDT

Congrats BM!

AdminNightStrike June 16 2008 5:06 PM EDT

Can CBers get signed copies? :)
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