Relic/War_Maiden (in Public Record)

{cb2}ShadeSlayer June 2 2008 9:13 AM EDT

Relic will be selling me her character Bleys for 30M CBD

I will be paying 30M + xfers +7.5M Interest.

please post xfers when you have a chance, that way i can calculate the total loan...

WM :)

Relic June 2 2008 10:27 AM EDT

Confirmed, as soon as I can get an admin to unretire my char. Also interest is changing to only 10% or 3 mil. So, 30 mil + xfers + 3 mil for interest.

{cb2}ShadeSlayer June 2 2008 10:28 AM EDT

I concur :)

Relic June 2 2008 1:25 PM EDT

A transfer fee of $3,743,628 will apply.

Updating with xfer fee.

{cb2}ShadeSlayer June 2 2008 1:29 PM EDT

ok total due is 36,743,628.

{cb2}ShadeSlayer June 19 2008 10:55 AM EDT

War Maiden (Bleys) Relic (Toast) $743628 -- 1st. Payment 10:55 AM EDT

36,000,000 left.
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