strat advice (in General)

Admindudemus [jabberwocky] April 15 2008 6:57 PM EDT

i want to stay single minion, hiring more minions is not an option.

with that being said, i am not happy with any of the strategies i have tried recently, and there have been a few both before going to robf in september and since coming back out of it.

i got away from the robf so i could swap out my tat with a roe during xp times for an extra boost to mpr. now that the nub/ncb has been recalibrated though i think it would be wiser to always grow my tat, which is behind for my mpr, and if i fall too far behind in mpr make an ncb run.

my question to you is this: why should i not go back to the robf? it is really the best setup for a single minion with a bunch of xp to take advantage of the concentration factor. i would also likely not lose as many clan points and help my clan with a better bonus. i know many people look at that strat as boring, but all the strats seem equally exciting/boring to me unless you truly come up with something new, then you are really just following someone else's formula for xp expenditure and single minions can really only train so many things regardless.

Ulord[NK] April 15 2008 7:01 PM EDT

Single minion strategies suck. RoBF is the best you can do unfortunately. On the bright side, you'll see your score soar to a good 2.6mil, which is top 15 in the game. That's quite an achievement..

QBJohnnywas April 15 2008 7:10 PM EDT

"i want to stay single minion, hiring more minions is not an option. "

I understand that, and as somebody who only likes 1 or 4 minion teams it would be my choice right now. But, why do YOU want to stick with 1 minion? What's the reasoning behind it?

My only problem with single minions has always been the kill slot factor. It really is the only difference between 1 and 4 minions in my opinion, if you're running a team that isn't reliant on NW. 2 and 3 minion teams are just weaker versions of 1 and 4 in my experience. So if you ever do hire more, make it a 4 minion team.

Anyway, presumably your choices are mage or RBF? This char was an RBF single CoC mage until a couple of weeks ago. I quite liked it. It also, if I'd stuck with it, given me the option to go RoE if I wanted as well. The RBF/evasion thing gave me lots of protection to last until the HoC kicked in too. I think you did CoC before? Did it work for you?

QBOddBird April 15 2008 7:20 PM EDT

Actually, single minion strats rock, they just have to be specialized

Admindudemus [jabberwocky] April 15 2008 7:33 PM EDT

when i was robf, i just had hp, evasion and amf trained. i had stayed mm for a bit, but decided that the damage wasn't worth getting hurt and amf was one of the only ways to hurt me.

i will stay single minion just because i like the idea of a lone character and have always thought that exp concentration should trump the dilution at some level of mpr. i may be wrong and kill slots will always decide it, but i am not willing to change now.

ob, are you willing to give an example of a specialized strategy that would rock?

QBRanger April 15 2008 7:35 PM EDT

Unfortunately, single minion at the top have a huge disadvantage with only 1 killslot. The RBF/evasion is the best way to go.

Tezmac April 15 2008 7:38 PM EDT

"...and have always thought that exp concentration should trump the dilution at some level of mpr."

I've kind of always thought the same thing. Rock on it!

lostling April 15 2008 7:42 PM EDT

use TSA FB mage lol... hide in death... pwn all amf using teams =x

Cube April 15 2008 8:04 PM EDT

^That would mean no tattoo
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