YaY Annie! (ancient anubis) (in General)

j'bob April 4 2008 9:08 PM EDT

Score / PR / MPR: 2,184,957 / 2,021,189 / 2,000,405 Soul Collector

Great job!

Admindudemus [jabberwocky] April 4 2008 9:11 PM EDT


ActionAction April 4 2008 9:14 PM EDT

Go AA! :P

Atomicboy [The Knighthood] April 4 2008 9:15 PM EDT


AdminNemesia [Demonic Serenity] April 4 2008 9:34 PM EDT

Nice job on 2m mpr!

Last Gasp April 4 2008 10:01 PM EDT


Talion April 4 2008 10:10 PM EDT

Good going. I am already eating your dust.

TheHatchetman April 4 2008 10:21 PM EDT

Sweet! :D

Ancient Anubis April 4 2008 11:36 PM EDT

thanx everybody first time ever to 2mil so happy as larry i am :P

Ulord[NK] April 5 2008 12:27 AM EDT

Bravo. Now on to 6/20 you go :)

QBRanger April 5 2008 12:29 AM EDT


BluBBen April 5 2008 11:13 AM EDT


Lochnivar April 5 2008 11:23 AM EDT

nice job...

8DEOTWP April 5 2008 12:53 PM EDT

I wont be happy for you until 3M, bb then.
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