Did anyone notice the 1H weapon buff? (in General)

QBRanger April 4 2008 10:38 AM EDT

I have not yet read about this but noticed it a bit ago.

Just tested it out.

If you have a missile weapon and a 1H melee weapon you do NOT lose the first melee round switching weapons.

Seems a nice bonus to me.

j'bob April 4 2008 10:43 AM EDT

Yep, it was in one of Jon's opening posts. I did a happy dance and someone else was excited as their BoTh sold almost instantly. lol

QBRanger April 4 2008 10:43 AM EDT

IMO a fantastic change.

QBBarzooMonkey April 4 2008 10:46 AM EDT

I noticed when my big ol' BoTH was snatched out of auctions within minutes of the changelog going up...
I was actually contemplating cancelling the auction and holding on to it until my NCB's new encumbrance allowance was big enough for it, it's such a major change - a BoTH buff...


QBBarzooMonkey April 4 2008 10:50 AM EDT

It's a Vorpal Blade buff, too, actually. They've regained some of their value and usefulness.

QBBarzooMonkey April 4 2008 10:57 AM EDT

While we're discussing buffs, encumbrance is actually an Elven gear, Hoe and AoM buff if you balance the NW well, since increasing ST & DX reduces your encumbrance...

In general, I don't think any of these changes are really doom and gloom for tanks, it just alters the way you approach equipping them...
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