Encumbrance effects now in post-battle stats (in Changelog)

AdminJonathan April 3 2008 7:03 PM EDT

Before, if you had 1000 ST and encumbrance of 0.2, it would show as 1000 ST in post-battle stats but act like 800. Seems like it would be less confusing to show 800 in post-battle stats. So that is what it does now.

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] April 3 2008 7:04 PM EDT

still not showing for AC

AdminJonathan April 3 2008 7:21 PM EDT

is anyone else seeing this problem?

Lord Bob April 3 2008 7:22 PM EDT

Still seeing the old, unencumbered stats.

tasuki [UFC] April 3 2008 7:23 PM EDT


AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] April 3 2008 7:25 PM EDT

str was corrected for me... but not AC

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] April 3 2008 7:26 PM EDT

now my stats are not being adjusted...

AdminJonathan April 3 2008 10:17 PM EDT

fixed, thanks

Little Anthony April 3 2008 10:26 PM EDT

i dont know what you fixed but my new hired minion with 10k HP and a base decay has 0.80 encumbrance with -5 AC (totally from HoC) earlier now has 0.73 encumbrance with -1 AC (totally from HoC). Nothing was changed since an hour ago. and sure i have positive encumbrance but the ac on that minion increase 4 points (from -5 to -1)

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] April 3 2008 10:26 PM EDT

negative AC does fun stuff... it still acts like 0

Dakkon April 4 2008 2:12 PM EDT

Is it intended for Ethereal Chains to effect your encumbrance? I built my character just at the limit of my encumbrance and then I fight someone with a big Ethereal Chains and my encumbrance shoots through the roof. Is this just a display bug in the fight log or was this an intended interaction of this new mechanic with that ability?

Fanta [Fanta's Forge] April 4 2008 2:13 PM EDT

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