Fixed evasion (in Changelog)

AdminJonathan April 3 2008 6:39 PM EDT

One of the terms was 0.667 instead of 0.0667. Sorry about that. :)

(This means that the evasion ranged bonus was 10x what it was supposed to be.)

QBJohnnywas April 3 2008 6:40 PM EDT


AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] April 3 2008 6:40 PM EDT

thanks for the fix Jon

j'bob April 3 2008 6:42 PM EDT

he he he.... oh yeah. Now let the fun begin anew!
Honestly, it wasn't affecting me but from the sounds of things people knew "something" wasn't right.
On a side note, thanks Jon. Not for the changes this month (as they won't really sink into my math hating skull for a while) or any month, but for putting soo much time and effort into a place like this where we can come and play and vent and have fits and outbursts and hack people with swords and listen to people like GW rant about how nice people can be.

QBRanger April 3 2008 6:44 PM EDT

Just a small mistake. LoL

QBRanger April 3 2008 6:47 PM EDT

How can it be fixed when using only my MH, which puts me under my allowance:

The Grid fractured Juggernaut with Boomstick [388166]
Pwnyboy absorbs damage [388166]

ONE HIT vs conundrum with a 1.5M dex, +220 named MH, 5.4M levels of EC? HOW????

Mikel [Bring it] April 3 2008 6:57 PM EDT

Black Sophist (The Knighthood) defeated King of Pain after 20 rounds of combat

Still whiffing every round.
I hit Concundrum once in round 5, then miss round 6.
I hit hubbel once in round 3, then not again until round 5.

QBRanger April 3 2008 6:59 PM EDT


That is what you get for trying to use a MH and ELB at the same time.

As well as DBs and your other toys.

Welcome to mage/evasion/RBF blender.

Mikel [Bring it] April 3 2008 7:04 PM EDT

Well it appears to have been fixed now.

QBJohnnywas April 3 2008 7:07 PM EDT

Oh yes. Evasion is now a lot weaker in ranged...

SuperHD April 3 2008 7:15 PM EDT

(This means that the evasion ranged bonus was 10x what it was supposed to be.)

10x hahaha ok so lets rock and roll !!!!!!

Tezmac April 3 2008 7:21 PM EDT

"That is what you get for trying to use a MH and ELB at the same time.

As well as DBs and your other toys.

Welcome to mage/evasion/RBF blender. "

No, welcome to having to use your brain instead of your wallet blender.

Mikel [Bring it] April 3 2008 7:24 PM EDT

"No, welcome to having to use your brain instead of your wallet blender."

lol funny guy.
I do use my brain, but you would never know it because you only wish to see my NW.

DrAcO5676 [The Knighthood III] April 3 2008 7:32 PM EDT

So whats the use of Evasion if Mikel can kill me entire team in 4 rounds... that means he hits my evasion minion in the first round.

Mikel [Bring it] April 3 2008 7:36 PM EDT

Now you have to put more XP into it to have the same effect as before.

QBRanger April 3 2008 9:20 PM EDT

Yes Tez,

I have never used my brain in CB at all.

Never thought up strategies.

I want some of the stuff your smoking. Quick!

Mikel [Bring it] April 3 2008 10:44 PM EDT

with EB's on the Top-trained Evasion minion, he can Stalemate me.
So there is proof to need more xp in Evasion.
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