Farm Me for free every Sunday for better rewards. (in Services)

Little Anthony March 30 2008 12:14 PM EDT

In celebration of my new Mgs, every sunday, i will put my Mgs on my mage to achieve zero FB ( total no damage)
In order to beat me, you would have to inspect my character to make sure the Mgs is on the mage, (if not, it means i am fighting for a short while).
Secondly, I hope you would have the fire power to take me down under 30 rounds, that would means including my Huge DM also.
I hope free high pr rewards can help you in some way to raise your character faster.


Little Anthony March 30 2008 12:18 PM EDT

Also make sure you notice i can make my evasion as low as 165.

Little Anthony March 30 2008 12:22 PM EDT

very first Happy Customer:
<[RP08]ColonelCustard> it's another crazy XP time, man

Xenko March 30 2008 3:03 PM EDT

lol. My 4E strat fails against your DM. All I can do is stalemate you :P

Little Anthony March 30 2008 3:05 PM EDT

if you loan me another mgs, i could take down that DM. I would rent one but i am too deep in debt to waste money.

Xenko March 30 2008 3:08 PM EDT

Loaned for 24 hours.

Brakke Bres [Ow man] March 30 2008 3:32 PM EDT

you actually give crappy rewards with such a low score.

Little Anthony March 30 2008 3:35 PM EDT

i am sure those at 6/20 range and those farm me now at 600k 700k mpr doesn't say the same like you did. It might not be great for all but at least some are happy.

Ulord[NK] March 30 2008 3:42 PM EDT

LA is 3mil+ in PR. so the CB might be deceiving. As Synge pointed out, higher PR results in higher base reward.

ActionAction March 30 2008 9:12 PM EDT

Go Ant! <3 no FB :D.

ActionAction March 30 2008 9:32 PM EDT

Also, a great idea for making tons of extra XP for zero BA~.

Rubberduck[T] [Hell Blenders] March 30 2008 9:36 PM EDT

while it may be good for your immediate attackers this will not be good for you if you can get any challenge bonus as it wil drop all your targets scores by more than normal when you attack them.

Sickone March 30 2008 9:39 PM EDT

Well, I approve of this, since it shows just HOW broken the current Challenge Bonus implementation is :p

DrAcO5676 [The Knighthood III] March 31 2008 12:31 AM EDT

Sickone, Challenge Bonus is not broken... you whine too much about nonsense... the challenge bonus has been based on your PR vs. Their score for ever now... But it just recently got changed so that everyone can see the bonus instead of it being hidden. There just are too many people in the 7/20 range and not enough score to go around.

Just think of this... if you couldn't see the challenge bonus... you wouldn't know that it was there and you wouldn't be able to maximize your rewards...

Little Anthony March 31 2008 12:48 AM EDT

See you all next sunday.

Sickone March 31 2008 12:54 AM EDT

"There just are too many people in the 7/20 range and not enough score to go around."

And this is not an argument for claiming it to be "broken" how exactly ?
Which one of the two (the bonus itself, or the scoring system) doesn't matter... one of them surely is.

Wizard'sFirstRule March 31 2008 12:55 AM EDT

whenever LA farms ppl, he leeches more points off them

three4thsforsaken March 31 2008 12:57 AM EDT

if it weren't for the dead zone, everyone and his little sister would be in the 6 BA range. It wouldn't be much of an accomplishment.

Just because it's hard doesn't mean it's broken. Game balance is like that.

Sickone March 31 2008 1:09 AM EDT

I give up trying to argue, it's like talking to a brick wall... everybody's happy with the status quo and no argument can shake their beliefs :(

three4thsforsaken March 31 2008 1:14 AM EDT

haha, then obviously there is no problem

btw, I love this idea of yours LA.

Rubberduck[T] [Hell Blenders] March 31 2008 8:47 AM EDT

skewing the score ladder with defensive setups is bad, mmkay

Little Anthony April 6 2008 10:53 AM EDT

"Farm me please ! On Every SUNDAY is back"

Little Anthony April 13 2008 3:48 PM EDT

"Farm me please ! On Every SUNDAY is back" AGAIN!

Little Anthony April 13 2008 3:49 PM EDT

Note : Small AMF and minimum amount of Evasion is updated.
"for example" : Soxjr should win.

SuperHD April 13 2008 4:28 PM EDT

i cant defeat you LA i am too weak :(
rectification: you are too strong :)
i dont have the fire power to take you down in 30 rounds :(

DrAcO5676 [The Knighthood III] April 13 2008 7:37 PM EDT

Here goes the scores for everyone and the challenge bonus....
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