Superhotdog The end of an Era... (in General)

SuperHD March 24 2008 8:14 AM EDT

I'll quit the game gradually. guess too much of a good thing is a bad thing
I became pretty bored of the game, find it too repetitive
anyway i'll quit the game gradually over the next week, so i dont stop an addiction one shot :)

I had a great time with all of you cber, really did :)
ok have fun everybody :)

Lumpy Koala March 24 2008 8:17 AM EDT

wow that's fast... thought you just spent like $160 on your ELB

Anyway, you will come back, they all come back someday :P All the best!

{cb1}Linguala March 24 2008 9:20 AM EDT

lol, what lumpy said, anybody who gets a semi big char comes back.

[LittleRed]Calynne March 24 2008 9:36 AM EDT

Gimme your stuff ;)

smallpau1 - Go Blues [Lower My Fees] March 24 2008 9:46 AM EDT

So no forging for you eh? lol. That was a nice NUB run, too bad you can't finish it off, =/ Good luck in real life though! I bet you can't stop the addiction though, =P

SuperHD March 25 2008 8:22 AM EDT

oops i did not explain the whole situation so :
i quit CB addiction for another addiction that is call Work....
yep soon (when that red phone will start ringing !) i'll have to go have fun at my work north of the 49th parallel

I'll try to long on the weed-end and maybe just maybe i'll buy myself the whole kit for satellite internet(the one with the little portable aluminum parrabolic antenna as there is no cell phone reception where i work)

in the meantime i'll try to get my character like i would like it to be while i am away in the northern forest of Quebec. Wish me not to come face to face with a bear in the dark black spruce forest again this year ok cber.
so what was i working at, before this thread.....oh yeah empty my paypal money in Carnage blender2 if i can find someone to make deal with...

ActionAction March 25 2008 11:18 PM EDT

Wow, Super, that makes me sad :(. But, hope you still have time to come visit :D.

lostling March 25 2008 11:21 PM EDT

he will just come back richer then ever ;) whats so bad about that lol

Yukk March 25 2008 11:46 PM EDT

Have a Chien Chaud for us all while you're up there.

SuperHD March 28 2008 10:48 PM EDT

ok my red phone ring and I have a preliminary date which give me 2 maybe 3 weeks but no more...

hey lostling if its really you on your picture men your awesome ! i guess i'll do the same, i'll put my pic instead of those 2 fatty boy eating mcdonald...

it should be an obligation for all cber to produce their personnal portrait picture within a month of play....why not? Just look at Alisa and Lostling, up to now we have great result isnt? what are you afraid of cber?hahaha anyway main purpose of CB is fun cb friend :)

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] March 28 2008 10:59 PM EDT

<-- I'm the one on the right
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