alittle help here everyone... (in General)

lostling March 23 2008 4:33 AM EDT

Ok this is my stats

Cashed earned per BA $411 - $969
BA cost: 735 per BA
able to buy up to 192 BA each day
8BA /20min regen
100% challenge bonus
0% clan bonus
in clan

question is... would i earn more staying this way
or running an NCB without buying BA...
or getting a forge character of say... 1.5mill - 2mill MPR and forge... all the way only to fight and buy BA during money time?

Ancient Anubis March 23 2008 5:49 AM EDT

ncb without buying ba would generate the most cb$ for u

lostling March 23 2008 10:18 AM EDT


Admin{CB1}Slayer333 [SHIELD] March 23 2008 10:36 AM EDT

Stay that way, dont buy BA - you will stay in the 100% range longer than a NCB would unless you are already nearing the "wall".

lostling March 23 2008 10:38 AM EDT

somehow i seem to be earning money when i buy BA :) of course only with challenge bonus lol

Admin{CB1}Slayer333 [SHIELD] March 23 2008 10:40 AM EDT

if you can consistently earn more than 735 per fight, then you should definitely stay with this character and keep buying BA/fighting

lostling March 23 2008 10:54 AM EDT

can anyone throw me some numbers of how much NCBs without BA buying would earn... including selling of char and what not

Organ Doughner [Fees Dirt Cheap] March 23 2008 11:40 AM EDT

I'm not sure what you are looking for but i make around $700 and BA costs $3787 =\.

Ulord[NK] March 23 2008 12:06 PM EDT

You are darn closed to maximizing your return already. Remember, ncb does not give any cash bonus so switching to an ncb makes no difference. Also, forging is just sad...
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