one of a kind (in Off-topic)

Unappreciated Misnomer February 28 2008 5:23 PM EST


Adminedyit [Superheros] February 28 2008 5:29 PM EST


ScY February 29 2008 8:16 PM EST

What people will do to make a buck...

Flatcap [East Milwaukee Devival] February 29 2008 8:30 PM EST

Awesome :P

TheHatchetman February 29 2008 8:33 PM EST

It's a fake. The curvature on the stumpy side shows it was likely altered in some way. Though, that was one helluva item description, I was almost tempted to bid just because I nearly fell out of my chair reading it...

RVT March 1 2008 4:19 AM EST

the best part is how much it takes to ship it.
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