WTT: Kidney for AoF (in General)

Lochnivar February 23 2008 12:27 AM EST


I mean it, my kidneys hardly get any use since I barely drink anymore where as an AoF would be very useful to my team.

Stats for Reference:
A Kidney (+1) NW 10,000
Blood type: actually I have no idea.... Red and salty?

Disclaimer... the author of this post in no way condones black market organ sales....
Obviously this is not serious, unless maybe you throw in a TSA and MgS too...
(not a FS thread so feel free to reply)

Armageddon February 23 2008 12:38 AM EST

Your Liver actually produces the enzymes to break down alcohol. You still need your kidney(s) to filter waste from your blood. That is why you pee in the morning, your kidneys filter waste in your blood while you sleep and it come out in the morning. They constantly work, but you really only need one kidney to survive. You could sell half of your liver too because your liver can regenerate the other half. In the end, you may lose a kidney, but end up with 1.5 livers.

Lochnivar February 23 2008 12:45 AM EST

Gotta love CB...

Where else do people fact check ridiculous proposals and provide helpful feed back...

Thanks Arma!
(man it's been a while since biology class, and no, this is not sarcastic post)

Armageddon February 23 2008 12:51 AM EST

No need to fact check, this is all middle school biology.

Lochnivar February 23 2008 1:07 AM EST

Ha.... my middle school days were over long ago.
(and truth be told I didn't really think the original post through)

Armageddon February 23 2008 1:11 AM EST

Same here, but I like to know what happens with stuff that goes into or out of my body. Biology is a fascinating subject.

Lord Bob February 23 2008 1:26 AM EST

"and MgS too... "

Get in line buddy. I'm jumping on the next one up for sale.

SimplyNic February 23 2008 1:49 AM EST

Lol. Nice :D

TheHatchetman February 23 2008 5:02 AM EST

I can get ya a AoF, TSA, MgS, RoE and an AoI in exchange for a kidney and 1/3 your liver. whaddaya say? ~_^

IndependenZ February 23 2008 5:05 AM EST

I'll trade my heart for your kidney.

Oh wait, you need an AoF... I have one, and a TSA, a MgS... but I need those more than my heart. ;)
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