Bug with Mageseeker targeting? (in General)

Talion February 21 2008 8:41 AM EST

I get these fight results when attacking Bartman v2.0:

Vengeful Specter missed Sorceress
Fire Wraith shot Conjurer's familiar with Wizard Killer [734]
Fire Wraith hit Conjurer's familiar with Wizard Killer [1020]

Vengeful Specter missed Sorceress
Fire Wraith hit Conjurer's familiar with Wizard Killer [1017]
Fire Wraith hit Conjurer's familiar with Wizard Killer [846]

Vengeful Specter missed Sorceress
Fire Wraith hit Conjurer's familiar with Wizard Killer [932]
Fire Wraith shot Conjurer's familiar with Wizard Killer [704]

The Sorceress minion has an effective DD spell level higher (much higher) than the Ice Familiar's level. When I tested this before starting my NCB, the Mageseeker bow targeted the minion with the highest effective spell level. Has this changed?

If it did, there goes my 3rd NCB strategy down the drain. :(

I sincerely hope this is a bug.

Talion February 21 2008 9:03 AM EST

Anyone else seeing this change?

Relic February 21 2008 9:27 AM EST

I have been seeing this my whole NCB so far, but assumed I was mistaken.

Talion February 21 2008 9:42 AM EST

Found the link to the thread where the tests were performed.

QBsutekh137 February 21 2008 9:49 AM EST

Are you sure the familiar's effective level is not higher? Take off the NSes and see. How close are the base IF's level and the level of your main mage's DD (with enhancements)?

Talion February 21 2008 9:54 AM EST

I tried taking of the NS and the AoL. No difference.

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] February 21 2008 10:28 AM EST

try taking the AoF off the Junction minion

QBRanger February 21 2008 10:39 AM EST

Can you post the le vel of your IF and your MM?

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] February 21 2008 10:40 AM EST

it might also be junction related...

Post your Raw and effective levels for the mage

QBRanger February 21 2008 10:45 AM EST

Also, please post your MTL.

When I just attacked you to test, I also shot your familiar first.

We really need all information to be able to help.

Talion February 21 2008 11:10 AM EST

2,309,322 (MTL)

Magic Missile:
2,410,290 (effective level)
2,133,000 (raw level)

Ice Familiar:
2,308,198 (level)

Talion February 21 2008 11:13 AM EST

When I remove the AoF the targetting works???

Only difference: My Junction effect drops to lower than 1.0.

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] February 21 2008 11:30 AM EST

it's an AoF bug... It's still increasing DD

Talion February 21 2008 11:37 AM EST

"it's an AoF bug... It's still increasing DD"

I am sure any other mage would be thrilled by this bug, but it is seriously crippling my strategy. :(

If I take the AoF off, I get less Junction, which results in less HP on all my minions, which results in shorter battles, which really sucks in my case.

QBRanger February 21 2008 12:48 PM EST

It is not a bug with the AoF, but rather the AoL (if Jon did not intend the AoL's boost to be calculated for MsB targeting determination).

Now, I attacked your character and shot the mage first.

I suspect the AoL giving 1% bonus per + is boosting the level of the IF above that of the mage. The MsB is targetting the DD spell that IT thinks is highest which is, for that round the IF.

I think this is the way it should be, instead of what was stated in the changelog. The AoL is working like a set of AG's or COI to increase the DD level, making it more powerful. Letting the MsB target the top DD spell that round is what should be really happening.

Talion February 21 2008 2:17 PM EST

"I suspect the AoL giving 1% bonus per + is boosting the level of the IF above that of the mage."

I tried removing the AoL and my familiar was still targeted first. The only way I could get my mage to be targeted first was by removing the AoF.

Talion February 21 2008 2:24 PM EST

"... was by removing the AoF." ... from the Junction minion.

Cube February 22 2008 10:01 AM EST

Any chance you were junctioning mage bonus items at the time?

QBsutekh137 February 22 2008 10:45 AM EST

The only bonus item would be the NSes, and the opponent he mentions does not have AMF, I believe. So, the NSes do not affect in that case, even fully junctioned, and Talion tried with them off, too. I don't know of anything else that would junction to increase DD level, since there cannot be a cloak involved.
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