Reduced amount of BA purchaseable (in Changelog)

AdminJonathan February 21 2008 7:04 AM EST

From 1/2 of daily BA allocation to 1/3.

XP, money, and forging rpm per BA increased so that total earned per day if you spend all of it will stay constant.

Wasp February 21 2008 7:07 AM EST

By all of it, do you mean all available by refreshing, or all available by both refreshing and bought BA combined?

Flamey February 21 2008 7:12 AM EST

CP stay the same?

Flamey February 21 2008 7:15 AM EST

nvm, they seem the same, and I don't think it was that much of a change it warranted a CP change.

AdminJonathan February 21 2008 7:38 AM EST

> By all of it, do you mean all available by refreshing, or all available by both refreshing and bought BA combined

only the latter makes sense. so that. :)

Wasp February 21 2008 7:44 AM EST

So in theory if you aren't buying BA at all, you get a slight boost? IE forgers will get more forged in a day on average because their BA is worth slightly more?

IndependenZ February 21 2008 7:55 AM EST

So... with this, the entire XP gaining process slows down a bit. Just like the change from ??BA per 10 minutes to ??BA per 20 minutes. Are we all growing too fast or something?

And, the importance of refreshable BA goes up. Which means people who wake up to burn their BA during the night, are now left with an even greater advantage. People with less time (or effort) will distance themselves even further from the top, causing them to go...

NCB! The BA costs are higher than before the adjusted N*B rates, but with this change you will save on 1/3rd of the original BA costs. Nevertheless, with only the 24/7 BA-spenders in the top 20, the NCB and it's BA works as a nice cash sink.

My conclusion is, this is a balancing update in disguise. :P

Talion February 21 2008 8:22 AM EST

"You may purchase up to 192 BA for $5,092 apiece"


QBsutekh137 February 21 2008 8:31 AM EST

Buying all BA appears to be at about a 75% cost as before... So, if total per day is constant, and more of that BA is in the naturally accruing arena, I guess that is a boon for bonus fighters indeed! And, better growth for folks who do not buy their BA at all... At least that is my first impression...

Wizard'sFirstRule February 21 2008 8:37 AM EST

I already spent all 288 buyable BA a few hours ago, and now I have another 48. woot. I hope it is not a penalty to using BA that I shouldn't have.

Talion February 21 2008 9:01 AM EST

"Buying all BA appears to be at about a 75% cost as before..."

For 288 BA yesterday, it cost me a bit less than $660,000.

Today, for 192 BA, it will cost me $977,664.

So for NCB characters, the increase is a lot more than 75%. It is a price I simply cannot afford anymore. In fact, this will probably have the pleasant effect of eventually getting me kicked out of my current clan.

Lumpy Koala February 21 2008 9:57 AM EST

but talion, you also have higher NCB % that would in turn affect the price of BA purchase. Remember, the price of BA is governed by how much potential XP you get per BA.

Talion February 21 2008 10:03 AM EST

"but talion, you also have higher NCB % that would in turn affect the price of BA purchase."

If you need to buy all BA during your NCB to reach 95% of top MPR, then it is just as impossible for me now as it was before not mater what the reason is for the BA price increase. The fact that it is now too expensive remains.

Rubberduck[T] [Hell Blenders] February 21 2008 10:04 AM EST

"XP, money, and forging rpm per BA increased so that total earned per day if you spend all of it will stay constant."

That may be true for a normal day but what about bonus days?

Colonel Custard [The Knighthood] February 21 2008 10:54 AM EST

It depends how much your bonus went up and how much your BA purchase price increased. In my case, for example, both of them more-or-less tripled. Therefore, for every dollar I spend, I should get the same potential yield in XP.
So, in my case, I can buy 2/3 of the number of BA I used to be able to at triple the price, meaning I should spend about twice as much money, total, on daily BA. However, my ratio of free BA to that which is purchaseable has gone up from 2:1 to 3:1 per day. That is, before, I needed to make 1/3 the price of one BA per battle I fought in order to break even cash-wise. Now, that has changed to 1/4 of the cost of one BA (because only one quarter of my total potential battles per day aren't free, now), meaning I need to make 3/4 of the cash I previously needed to make per battle, technically. This comes out to about $1650 per battle, which I'm not making. Then again, I wasn't making $750/battle (or whatever it was I needed to break even) before, I don't think, but I wasn't losing like crazy.

Basically, I can fight 768 battles a day at my current refresh rate. Doing that will make me spend twice as much as I used to spend to fight 864 battles, but only yield the same monetary gain, meaning a net loss of what I was losing before + half of my new daily BA cost, or the full cost of my daily extra BA previous to this. Say I was spending 600k per day on BA before, and making about 450k from all my battles, for a net loss of 150k per day. Now, my net loss will be 750k, because I'm spending 1.2 mil on BA and still only making back 450k. 'Spensive.

All this, of course, assuming that the money increase mentioned here is less than a 100% increase: "XP, money, and forging rpm per BA increased so that total earned per day if you spend all of it will stay constant."
Also, these calculations should be adjusted according to your bonus. I.e. mine went from 216% to 722%. If yours went from 214% to 978%, your increase in loss will be higher, and if yours went from 218% to 544%, your increase in loss will be less.

YOU February 21 2008 10:55 AM EST

well you will lose more when you hit the wall :P

Colonel Custard [The Knighthood] February 21 2008 10:59 AM EST

I've hit the wall, thanks.

AdminJonathan February 21 2008 11:48 AM EST

> So in theory if you aren't buying BA at all, you get a slight boost?


horseguy001 [Blender 2021] February 21 2008 11:54 AM EST

This is a great change for the NCB, since it will greatly reduce the cost while maintaining a level of effectiveness. It would appear now you have the option to not spend $$$ and get a good size mpr, or spend a lot of money and get right up there with Ranger.

Nice change! :)

Admindudemus [jabberwocky] February 21 2008 12:01 PM EST

i agree fully horsey! i also respect the hell out of your positive attitude considering how much this change could've benefited you if it had come earlier. kudos clan mate!

Thak February 21 2008 12:08 PM EST

well i have 120 less ba total to buy and it costs 45 more per ba.
why did the price go up from when i was on 8 hrs ago and no increase in pr or anything

Colonel Custard [The Knighthood] February 21 2008 12:09 PM EST

Look at your bonus. The price went up because there's more to be gained from it now.

Thak February 21 2008 12:17 PM EST

well if thats the case its not its not worth it for my char i guess. bout a 1% increase every other char or so. end up losing money unless i win every single fight.

Talion February 21 2008 12:19 PM EST

"... unless i win every single fight."

That should be your goal. :)

Thak February 21 2008 12:28 PM EST

lol no kidding. but im not spending real money for some words on a comp screen. so its pretty darn hard on this game to do that unless spend $. my measly gear cant compete. so that is and will always be my goal lol

Colonel Custard [The Knighthood] February 21 2008 12:33 PM EST

Oh, you don't have an NCB.

Well, basically, you can now buy 1/3 of the BA you would normally regenerate per day, meaning that which is purchased is 1/4 of the total BA you can spend. Assuming you spend all BA, then, you should make money (net over the course of a day) if your battle rewards per fight are more than 1/4 the cost of a single BA. Which they should be, because your BA simply can't be that expensive.

Ulord[NK] February 21 2008 1:55 PM EST

It's not that hard to play well in this game, it is ridiculous to claim that you need usd to be reasonably competitive. I'm not talking about top 10 competitive, but having a modest 1mil+ mpr character and a good 50mil nw is not hard to achieve. If you must, use one of the cookie cutter build that makes horrific amount of money real fast. Start an ncb. Win 95%+ of your battles with good challenge bonus is also not hard. Supportership an be bought with cbd. Get help from the rest of us if you want it.

Wasp February 21 2008 2:34 PM EST

Good change :P

N0seBLeeD February 21 2008 3:18 PM EST

I went from 324 Free Ba per day to 216. Is that correct?

smallpau1 - Go Blues [Lower My Fees] February 21 2008 3:22 PM EST

4 mil NW forged in 24 hours is a big yay from Wasp and I! </wish>

Wasp February 21 2008 3:38 PM EST

Let me re-phrase my "Good change" to:

Good change in the long run. : )

smallpau1 - Go Blues [Lower My Fees] February 21 2008 3:39 PM EST

I will be happy in 1 month and 15 days.

QBBast [Hidden Agenda] February 21 2008 3:41 PM EST

It's good to know you have a calendrical countdown to happiness.

smallpau1 - Go Blues [Lower My Fees] February 21 2008 3:43 PM EST

And then in another 3 months when finals are over and Summer is here. (But then unhappy again when summer school starts 4 weeks leter, lol)

TinTizzy February 21 2008 4:18 PM EST

man i was too poor too buy BA anyways this is great! hahahha loveing it!
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