N*B bonuses adjusted (in Changelog)

AdminJonathan February 21 2008 6:12 AM EST

NUB and NCB rates have been revised upwards. You will have received a chatmail if you were affected.

We'll probably have one more recalibration for the new formula (the one from October) in about another four months. After that it should be pretty accurate.

Flamey February 21 2008 6:13 AM EST

haha, N&B :P

I guess people can stop complaining now, which should be good.

QBJohnnywas February 21 2008 6:15 AM EST

nah, we'll still complain. For instance: all those NCB players who've spent a fortune on their recent characters and have just seen their NCB bonus end a couple of days ago.

Lol, no, not really. Good move Jon. We'll have to keep an eye on anybody starting up within the next week and see where they are in four months!


Wizard'sFirstRule February 21 2008 6:26 AM EST

I worked all the way through my NUB and now this (2 wks left)? shouldn't length of existing NUB/NCB be extended so that the total XP gained be the same?

there is 4 months of NUB, for example. that makes 16 wks. I worked through 14 wks.

XP at 214% for 14 wks=2.14*14 units=about 28 units
XP at 13.86 for 16 wks=(about) 14*16=224 units roughly
difference=224-28=196 units
so I should get another 196 units total in my 2 weeks+extended NUB. that means I should have 196/14=14 weeks of NUB to match the new nubs. which should give me an extention of 3 months so that I am not disadvantaged. (it is really sad that I work for 3 months, then when I am out of NUB, new NUB just pass me in 1/2 the time.)

AdminJonathan February 21 2008 6:40 AM EST

You're welcome to start a NCB and get the new bonus.

Unfortunately it's impossible to give everyone a new NUB.

Wizard'sFirstRule February 21 2008 6:40 AM EST

double post: *apology*

I just realised NUB is proportional to time left. I wonder what is the new formula.
*ignore my rant earlier please. I beg of you*

SuperHD February 21 2008 7:35 AM EST

thanks for the New user bonus adjustment AdminJonathan it's really appreciated.keep up the good work.

chuck1234 February 21 2008 8:02 AM EST

a half-hearted appeal, but Jon, why not give an extension of the NCB period to those of us who've just finished our 4 month spell, so as to bring our MPR in tune with the calculations of this new N*B bonus?

Colonel Custard [The Knighthood] February 21 2008 8:18 AM EST

"NCB adjusted to 7.2246448212, ending on Fri Apr 04 06:17:25 EDT 2008. See forums for details"
I got a 7% boost? That's not too bad.

But it seems you forgot to include anything about "The cost of your purchaseable BA has tripled."

Colonel Custard [The Knighthood] February 21 2008 8:19 AM EST

Oh. It's displaying in battle as 722%. Nice.

Talion February 21 2008 9:10 AM EST

The bonus would be great if it wasn't for the fact that now I can't buy all my BA anymore. As before it was possible to buy all the BA available will lots of preparation and self control, now it's almost impossible.

For me reaching the top with a NCB, if all BA needs to be purchased, is just as impossible as it was before.

][Army][MrWizard06][ February 21 2008 9:17 AM EST

I like it even tho my NCB is ending soon ill probley start another one

NCB (xp only) 1123%

Relic February 21 2008 9:26 AM EST

My BA cost yesterday was 580,320, now is it 824,256. It used to cost approximately 40 mil CB2 to run a full NCB. Now it will cost around 60+ mil CB2. That is crazy!

That is a value of 300 to 350 USD.

Jonathan, are you trying to force the use of USD even more, because getting 60 mil CB2 from just fighting without any bonuses is going to take you a year.

Kong Ming February 21 2008 9:33 AM EST

I'm just thinking... If the number of BA available is reduced and NCB has gone up, it means we do not need to purchase as many BA to reach the same MPR?

ActionAction February 21 2008 10:23 AM EST

I absolutely love this. More XP and money for burning less BA? For those of you complaining about the increase in prices for buying your BA - isn't the increase in current fight rewards more than enough to compensate for that?

Rubberduck[T] [Hell Blenders] February 21 2008 10:26 AM EST

Forsaken - Not if you need to buy all BA to stay in a clan and now you can't afford to..

Talion February 21 2008 10:27 AM EST

You get no extra money from a NCB, only extra XP. BA prices are very high however.

ActionAction February 21 2008 10:29 AM EST

Straying a bit off topic here, but if you need to buy all your BA to stay in a clan, and the price is simply too high for you, would that mean that everyone else's prices are too high as well?

Rubberduck[T] [Hell Blenders] February 21 2008 10:32 AM EST

Very few ran NCBs and bought BA all the way even before this change Forsaken, they are in the minority. Also everyone's bankroll is different.

three4thsforsaken February 21 2008 10:35 AM EST

Do people have different NCB bonuses?

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] February 21 2008 10:35 AM EST

I don't understand the complaints about NCB BA price...
it's directly proportional to what a non bonus char would have paid over the entire time frame, if it wasn't it would be insanely unfair and I'd be pitching an endless fit. If you're one of the NCB addicts you might want to think about going to some kinda rehab...

ActionAction February 21 2008 10:40 AM EST

Well, then, from what I've gathered from this thread, is that, if the non-buying NCB is the majority, and this thread benefits them, then I don't really see much of a problem - except of course for those buying BA during their NCB. I guess you have a higher price to pay for coming closer to the top now?

YOU February 21 2008 10:42 AM EST

of course NCB > NUB :P

AdminJonathan February 21 2008 11:49 AM EST

> It used to cost approximately 40 mil CB2 to run a full NCB. Now it will cost around 60+ mil CB2.

No; yours is extra high because your corrected bonus is compressed into a smaller remaining time frame.

AdminG Beee February 21 2008 11:55 AM EST

I trust you and your calculations Jon.

I'm suing you for my Doctors fees though. I bumped my head when I fell off my chair after clicking the "get more" link.

$20,333 to buy a single BA.
The 1,618% NCB bonus will hopefully compensate.

Admindudemus [jabberwocky] February 21 2008 11:57 AM EST

falling off a chair whilst sober is probably new territory for ya.

Talion February 21 2008 11:59 AM EST

"No; yours is extra high because your corrected bonus is compressed into a smaller remaining time frame."

Alright then. I can understand that.

I just hope my clan doesn't kick me out because of the much lower raw score my character will now carry.

Soxjr February 21 2008 12:00 PM EST

you have to remember... even though the bonus isn't applied to money on a ncb .. there still is a higher money reward because of the ba change... so the 2 changes combined. I have a feeling that you paying more to buy the lower amount of ba you will end up making a little more money onthe ba you use and it will work itself out. Just relax and see it after a day or two :)

Admindudemus [jabberwocky] February 21 2008 12:04 PM EST

furthermore, even the max clan bonus of 15% should be nothing in comparison to the adjusted bonus you are getting.

QBJohnnywas February 21 2008 12:07 PM EST

This, if it works out right, could be one of the best tweaks we've had.

Now just wait for the super large characters in four months causing postings about how N*B chars shouldn't be able to reach the top 5 so quickly. CB is nothing if not predictable. ;)

Talion February 21 2008 12:12 PM EST

"furthermore, even the max clan bonus of 15% should be nothing in comparison to the adjusted bonus you are getting."

The goal is still to be in the clan once the NCB ends and the super duper bonus is gone. :)

Admindudemus [jabberwocky] February 21 2008 12:15 PM EST

ah yes, my bad and i forgot you are in br now. with all of the disagreements i have had with various members over the years, i would be shocked if they kicked you out for this reason. : )

Talion February 21 2008 12:17 PM EST

"i would be shocked if they kicked you out for this reason. "

I would too, but I wouldn't blame them if they did. Especially now that other users can catch up to their characters MPR more easily.

QBRanger February 21 2008 12:52 PM EST

Why would we kick a very productive clanmate?

I do like the new boosted N*B rate, but would have preferred to have the N*B stretched out to 8 months perhaps at the same or a slightly lower rate then it was.

Colonel Custard [The Knighthood] February 21 2008 12:58 PM EST

"I have a feeling that you paying more to buy the lower amount of ba you will end up making a little more money onthe ba you use and it will work itself out." I made a post in the other Changelog thread addressing what it seemed would happen due to this change, without knowing the actual percentage of the money rewards increased. By my calculation, people whose bonuses have been adjusted to more than 700-750% will be losing an amount at least equivalent to what it used to cost them for a full days-worth of BA. As in the total cash rewards gained from fighting 768 battles in one day for someone in 8/10 would be about half of the amount of money needed to purchase 192 BA for that same person.
Of course, this did not take into account the increase in overall fight rewards per battle, because I do not know how much that is. I think, since total money gained from 860 battles yesterday is theoretically equal to total money gained from 768 today, that the increase is about 11%.
On second thought, since the total monetary rewards for both days should be equivalent, this increase doesn't need to be taken into account to calculate the final loss. So I'll stand by it: at around the 700% mark, you lose half of your money by buying BA.

"furthermore, even the max clan bonus of 15% should be nothing in comparison to the adjusted bonus you are getting."
Does clan bonus multiply through the battle rewards at the end, such that my base XP reward get multiplied by challenge bonus, then 722%, and then 14.4%, or does it stack onto the N*B so that mine is effectively 736.4% for an hour? Because that does make a big difference.

Ulord[NK] February 21 2008 1:15 PM EST

1573% bonus *dies*

one week of ncb left :D

TheHatchetman February 21 2008 1:32 PM EST

dude... This couldn't have come at a more perfect time for me... Jonathan's got some hatchet love :P
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