No more wait to use the blacksmith (in Changelog)

AdminJonathan February 7 2008 10:43 PM EST

I don't think it adds to the game anymore.

GnuUzir February 7 2008 10:45 PM EST

Wow good change =)

That always seemed more annoying than necessary...

Tyriel [123456789] February 7 2008 10:55 PM EST

Will the amount of upgrades we can do at once be changed in the future?

I imagine a field where we can input the value we want to increase to would be nice for some.

Would also help with finding NW values of equipment to put into the Wiki, although I don't know whether you're for or against that...

Anyways, I like the change.

AdminJonathan February 7 2008 11:04 PM EST

> Will the amount of upgrades we can do at once be changed in the future?

it's not really a priority

AdminNightStrike February 8 2008 12:48 AM EST

could probably copy the code from the training page, re: the "Other" option.

QBJohnnywas February 8 2008 2:58 AM EST

Ah, quite possibly the most annoying feature of CB ever bites the dust.

Nice revision. :)

[P]Mitt February 8 2008 3:36 AM EST

could probably copy the code from the training page, re: the "Other" option.

Oooh but NS, that would give away one of the remaining secrets to CB... the exponentially increasing cost of upgrades could be plotted out exactly ;)

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] February 8 2008 4:01 AM EST

Nice! :D

TinTizzy February 8 2008 6:04 AM EST

thank you! man i was so ticked about haveing too wait for nothing like really i already paid!

j'bob February 8 2008 6:59 AM EST

This always bugged me just enough to be irritating but not enough to voice anything about it... very nice change Jon, THANKS.

AdminNightStrike February 8 2008 10:40 AM EST

Mitt - It already is in the wiki.
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