New Chat Challenge -- Win $4,000,000 CB! (in Contests)

SNK3R February 3 2008 1:37 PM EST


Brent has lost his identity! The Comrades have come along with their hammer and sickle, and smashed/chopped out the middle of his name! Help SN**R find his missing letter/number combination, and win $4,000,000 CB or SNK4R, a 1.7 MPR character!

How does this Chat Challenge work?

Every 10 minutes, a new letter and number will be randomly generated. It's your job to try to guess the correct letter/number combination.

What do I NOT do? Okay, so how do I play?
The contest has already started (as of when this post was created). Come chat in carnage and make your conversations more interesting by including a letter+number in your statements.

One last note: Spacing DOES matter. If you type "I went to the market to pick up some A 1 sauce.", the program will not recognize it as a guess. It will only recognize "A1". Also, the letter+number does not need to be anywhere special in the message -- it'll find it anywhere in your message, lower-case or upper-case.

Questions? Comments? Suggestions? Post 'em here. :) Good luck!

SNK3R February 3 2008 1:46 PM EST

OK, so Ulord seems to have...shockingly guessed the correct combination within the first few minutes.

Therefore, he'll get whatever prize he wants.

A fresh copy of the program is being booted up right now, and whatever Ulord doesn't take, you will win. This will be updated shortly when Ulord makes up his mind.

Get to talking! ;)

Ulord[NK] February 3 2008 1:53 PM EST

I will take SNK4R. Thank you :)

QBOddBird February 3 2008 1:54 PM EST

So since he got it with the word "l33t", does that winning combo mean you are now SNL3R?

SNK3R February 3 2008 1:59 PM EST

We'll see, OB. Does it mean I have multiple personalities when the new contest is won? Maybe. ;)

10:42:41 <Ulord[NK]> even economics course i had has math in it
10:43:10 <[RP08]ColonelCustard> I wish there were more words with numbers in them
10:43:20 <Ulord[NK]> like l33t
10:43:21 <RPGBot> Congratulations, Ulord[NK], you found Brent's identity: SNL3R! Please ChatMail Brent which prize ($4M or the 1.7M MPR char) you want. Oh, and make a thread about it, this is your day to shine!

Since Ulord took the character (already sent), that means:


I repeat, there is ANOTHER of the same contest running, and nobody has won. (We're currently on Round 2.) You can win $4,000,000.

SNK3R February 3 2008 3:48 PM EST

12:46:54 <RPGBot> Round 13: Guess!

SNK3R February 3 2008 6:03 PM EST

15:02:59 <RPGBot> Round 25: Guess!

QBOddBird February 3 2008 6:09 PM EST

We're seeing now more and more clearly how unlikely it was that Ulord would get it first round.

<Brent> Oh, my...

SNK3R February 3 2008 8:39 PM EST

17:38:11 <RPGBot> Round 40: Guess!

Do you have what it takes to win?

Press your luck!

Armageddon February 3 2008 9:18 PM EST

<Armageddon> G3 FTW
<RPGBot> Congratulations, Armageddon, you found Brent's identity: SNG3R! Please ChatMail Brent which prize ($4M or the 1.7M MPR char) you want. Oh, and make a thread about it, this is your day to shine!


SNK3R February 3 2008 9:19 PM EST

18:16:51 <noone> anybody w0n yet?
18:17:05 <three4thsforsaken> e3 ftw!
18:17:16 <Armageddon> G3 FTW
18:17:16 <RPGBot> Congratulations, Armageddon, you found Brent's identity: SNG3R! Please ChatMail Brent which prize ($4M or the 1.7M MPR char) you want. Oh, and make a thread about it, this is your day to shine!
18:17:16 RPGBot left the room.
18:17:17 <Mikel> no1 has w0n round 2
18:17:21 Voldune left the room.
18:17:22 <Armageddon> WOOT!!!
18:17:22 <Tyriel> :O
18:17:32 <Mikel> well..... that's that
18:17:37 <RedWolf> lol mikel
18:17:40 <Brent> Heh, Mike.

Sent Armageddon his $4,000,000. (Only took 43 rounds.)

Thanks for playing, guys.

SNK3R February 3 2008 9:21 PM EST

The real question is: Which multiple personality is Brent the majority of the time? SNK3R, SNK4R, SNG3R, or SNL3R?

That's up to you to figure out.

Wizard'sFirstRule February 3 2008 11:25 PM EST

definitely K3. It is just the best and funniest and ... richest?

[P]Mitt February 3 2008 11:47 PM EST



[RX3]Cotillion February 3 2008 11:49 PM EST

I really do need to start chatting more... I could really use 4m or a 1.7m mpr character...

QBOddBird February 3 2008 11:53 PM EST

Unfortunately, both are gone now, Red.

Side note: SNU2R. I'm not letting it go. This dream will never die!

[LittleRed]Calynne February 4 2008 8:26 AM EST

*cries* I knew it would end before I got off work!

Talion February 4 2008 8:44 AM EST

*Talion sobs*

A cool contest on Super Bowl day. How cruel!
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