Account Safety Problem (in General)

Templar January 30 2008 11:10 PM EST

I use Firefox on a mac notebook to play CB, so this MIGHT not apply to everyone.

if Firefox or my mac crashes, i am given the option to restore my previous session, returning me to CB. the problem, though, is that it doesn't ask me to log in, even after a period of about 16 hours. This could, potentially, be disastrous for some unfortunate user of a public or school computer. can this be changed so that CB automatically logs a player our after they click "ok" on the box asking if they really want to leave the page?

thank you for your time.

RVT January 30 2008 11:21 PM EST

I've also noticed that it does not log me out automatically if Im not clicking with in CB links. I could walk away from the computer for half hour or more, and come back and be able to click fight without having to log in again. I can see its more convenient, but my( or any other) account can be vulnerable to breaking in.

[P]Mitt January 30 2008 11:38 PM EST

how about an optional PIN that you can set if you want that you have to enter in before you can transfer items/characters/sell items/buy items.

/brain wave....

Option: PIN number that can lock up item assignments, transfers (both item and character), as well as posting.

Supporters will be able to set what the PIN will apply to; non-supporters will have a blanket PIN controlling all of them.

AdminJonathan January 31 2008 12:09 AM EST

It's been fine for 7 years.

It's still fine.

(Hint: don't click "remember me" if you don't want it to remember you.)

Flamey January 31 2008 12:17 AM EST

I think he's saying it happens even if you don't click remember me, as part of the feature of firefox restore settings. It'll try to bring you back to the exact pages you were at before it crashed.

Hyrule Castle [Defy] January 31 2008 1:10 AM EST

delete your cookies, and dont have it remember your password, if that fails uninstal FF and reinstall it,... if that doesnt work , hide under your covers crying ...that usually does the trick.

Flamey January 31 2008 1:52 AM EST

Adding to what HC said. There is a setting in options that allows you to delete cookies on exiting Firefox.

RVT January 31 2008 3:01 AM EST

I never click remember me. But I'm not too worried about it. Just adding my opinion and personal experience. I can understand what Templar meant.

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] January 31 2008 3:38 AM EST

There has been some odd behavior I've seen lately, I'll test it out tomorrow and see what I can reproduce.

In cases where you are reporting a bug try to give as much information as you can about the situation and describe what happened in detail.

I've logged out of my account on a machine and had another user immediately login after me and in the middle of fighting they clicked on home and it brought up my char in the left hand pane. Likely impossible to reproduce, and now the details have become fuzzy... a great example of how NOT to document a bug.

AdminJonathan January 31 2008 9:47 AM EST

> I've logged out of my account on a machine and had another user immediately login after me and in the middle of fighting they clicked on home and it brought up my char in the left hand pane.

This was possible to have happen back when CB didn't force you and cookies to It won't happen now (once you've cleared old cookies, or use a fresh machine/browser).

QBOddBird January 31 2008 10:24 AM EST

So hey, is there ever going to be a way for me to log out and my sidebar go away without pasting the URL "" into the address bar? 'Cuz right now, logging in/out involves C&P, refresh, logout button...It can be quite the hassle. I've ended up with 5 sidebars and no homepage out of this before.

Bull3t F4c3 January 31 2008 3:20 PM EST

i don't think a random person on a public computer would recognize cb enough to be like "o let me do something to this account"

drudge January 31 2008 3:24 PM EST

oddbird, why the hell are you using facebook's GUI to play CB???

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] January 31 2008 3:43 PM EST

create a bookmark ob...

QBOddBird January 31 2008 5:38 PM EST

Oooo, smart novice! I'm doing that now. :)

Although I still find it ridiculous that I have to use a link to log out.

...and drudge, I don't use Facebook's GUI to play CB. I prefer CB in its own window, thank you. ~_^

hzarb January 31 2008 5:50 PM EST

Lately I noticed that I'm no longer being logged out after a period of inactivity. I use IE and before it used to do so..

drudge January 31 2008 6:16 PM EST

how are you playing CB then, because there is a log out in my side bar that i could not remove if i tried

BootyGod January 31 2008 6:38 PM EST

Same here.

QBOddBird January 31 2008 6:43 PM EST

drudge - I'm just playing CB normally, though this problem only started -after- FB was introduced.

I can click that log out link on the sidebar, and it will take me back to the CB main page with the red swirly...and the sidebar is still there. I can close the browser, open it back up, and the sidebar's still there.

Then, if I try to log back in, I get another sidebar from CB starting back up. Now I have -two- sidebars and a squished CB homeframe.

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] January 31 2008 8:34 PM EST

I concur with hzarb, the timeout that was previously in place is gone.

Is this a feature of the facebook integration?

Brakke Bres [Ow man] January 31 2008 8:53 PM EST

I only had timeouts when I play on IE and don't have that remember me thingie checked.

Phoenix [The Forgehood] January 31 2008 9:28 PM EST

>So hey, is there ever going to be a way for me to log out and my sidebar go away without pasting the URL "" into the address bar? 'Cuz right now, logging in/out involves C&P, refresh, logout button...It can be quite the hassle. I've ended up with 5 sidebars and no homepage out of this before.

You can always clear all the private data under tools... (It's what I do at school.)

QBOddBird January 31 2008 9:33 PM EST

Tried that, it didn't work. Tried everything, pretty much...but the error only replicates on FF, not in IE. So my last resort will be to reinstall FF and see if that fixes it.
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