2 problems setting settings (in General)

maulaxe January 22 2008 3:53 AM EST

when attempting to 'set supporter preferences' and change to showing power instead of score in the fight list, I get this:
# "style_id" required but not supplied
# "style_url" required but not supplied

another issue I ran across a while ago but forgot to mention is that when updating the basic account info, I can't change my email without being told that the username already exists: "That name is already in use".

AdminJonathan January 22 2008 9:36 AM EST


maulaxe January 22 2008 1:15 PM EST

I still cannot change the basic account info without a name change (or so it appears). It still tells me "That name is already in use" even if all I do is toggle the email being private or public.

But the supporter preferences are settable now, thanks!

AdminJonathan January 22 2008 1:33 PM EST

> I still cannot change the basic account info without a name change

try now

maulaxe January 22 2008 1:44 PM EST

I no longer get any error when changing things, but they do not actually change. i.e. I uncheck the box, submit the changes, and get sent back to the settings page. seems fine, except that the setting didn't actually change.
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