Yes, we all got 10 CMs, yes it only adds 1 AC (in General)

TheHatchetman January 19 2008 5:45 PM EST

Please, check the wiki.

And belittle the 1 AC all you want, it saves me millions on beefing up my heavy tank (literally)... Many are paying 500k+ per point of AC at this point... "just 1 AC? and it's not upgradable?!" It was free. You get what you pay for, and at times, you get what you don't pay for... In the sense of the latter, something > nothing. Enjoy it. ^_^

Furthermore, why does everyone seem to want to sell it? I've seen four complaints from people that couldn't sell it or trade it... Vet pride, much? =/

chuck1234 January 19 2008 5:48 PM EST

will it give 2 AC if i name it? that would be mighty useful for people with AoAC at max stretch.

TheHatchetman January 19 2008 6:03 PM EST

yep ^_^

DrAcO5676 [The Knighthood III] January 19 2008 7:15 PM EST

If you don't want it... put it on a character and retire that char for good... problem solved... but for everyone else thats smart enough to use it to bring up their AC on any minion for free, without replacing any equipment... You keep on keepin' on!

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] January 19 2008 11:35 PM EST

I can verify that naming does bump the AC by one... saved me nearly six million...

[Where Shirt]Freekie [Lower My Fees] January 20 2008 12:21 AM EST

I feel sorry for anyone who wants to sell theirs and id be more than willing to buy em ^-^

QBOddBird January 20 2008 12:57 AM EST

LOVE this item.

BootyGod January 20 2008 1:19 AM EST

The item is eh. But the thought behind it, that Jon took the time to take care of the vets... That means a-lot to me. Danke, Jon. Danke. Was a very nice gift.

Flamey January 20 2008 4:52 AM EST

The item itself is the thought in physical form. And from what Jon said there still will be a new item for last changemonth.

drudge January 20 2008 12:36 PM EST

i guess this is what i get for assuming things; a huge let down
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