USD -> CB rate? (in General)

lostling January 13 2008 8:31 AM EST

hmmm just curious... not that im selling out or anything...
whats the highest you would buy for?

E.G. XUSD per mill

Dark Dreky January 13 2008 8:35 AM EST

1m -> $5-6 ?

lostling January 13 2008 8:38 AM EST

hmmm 6USD per mill... any more people?

Daz January 13 2008 8:48 AM EST

I think people usually buy at $6 these days. I had some for sale a few days ago that didn't sell for $6, though. I get the feeling that supply is much higher than demand, but I tend to sell in very small batches - I think people prefer to buy in larger amounts.

horseguy001 [Blender 2021] January 13 2008 11:54 AM EST

Actually my entire NCB I have been paying 4-5 USD/mil. I think one time I had to go as high as 5.50/mil. Although this was usually in bundles of 20 mil or more.

lostling January 13 2008 12:06 PM EST

2 calls at 6 and 1 at 5.5 :)

TheHatchetman January 13 2008 12:20 PM EST

I'd pay no more than $5 /mil... But then again... im not exactly in a rush to get a buncha $CB... ^_^

TheHatchetman January 13 2008 12:22 PM EST

And if you're trying to guage the possible value of a sellout, then measure in $5/mil incriments, due to the fact that your quantity of cash would flood the market again ^_^

TheHatchetman January 13 2008 12:29 PM EST

Scratch that last post of mine... Just realized it's tax season... so the market is liable to go up if anything, as people will undoubtebly be getting their income tax return checks and lookin' to spend a few bucks of it on CB ^_^

Little Anthony January 13 2008 1:24 PM EST

i bought a few mils at 5. Frankly, on a student budget i would not want to pay more

lostling January 13 2008 8:15 PM EST

2 at 5
1 at 5.5
2 at 6

Mikel [Bring it] January 13 2008 8:34 PM EST

the highest is 5.5.
I'd jump a little faster on 5:1 though.

lostling January 13 2008 8:43 PM EST

2 at 5
2 at 5.5
2 at 6

Marlfox [Cult of the Valaraukar] January 15 2008 11:31 AM EST

If I could spend USD, I would buy it at 5:1.

smallpau1 - Go Blues [Lower My Fees] January 15 2008 11:38 AM EST

ive sold at 6 for a while, i still think its fairly low.

lostling January 15 2008 11:40 AM EST

3 to 5
2 to 5.5
2 to 6
1 to 6.5

QBRanger January 15 2008 3:56 PM EST

I have not bought at more then 5 to 1 for months now. I even bought a few million at 4.5 to 1 a couple weeks ago or thereabouts.

lostling January 15 2008 7:01 PM EST

4 to 5
2 to 5.5
2 to 6
1 to 6.5
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