Max tattoo level displayed (in Changelog)

QBRanger January 8 2008 11:43 PM EST

As Esoteric pointed out in chat, one can now see your MTL on the character view.

Since this takes into account untrained xp, one can gauge things I suspect.

QBRanger January 8 2008 11:44 PM EST


Esoteric January 8 2008 11:45 PM EST

This does factor untrained XP, as I played a few matches, updated my character view and my MTL went up without training.

Ulord[NK] January 8 2008 11:55 PM EST

Wicked cool. Though we could gauge the size of our opponent's tatt from PR before, this definitely helps.

DrAcO5676 [The Knighthood III] January 9 2008 12:01 AM EST

Interesting... that should help with testing others strats vs your own.

QBRanger January 9 2008 12:06 AM EST

Now if anyone has the formula for VPR:MTL we can figure out other people VPR and untrained xp they are carrying.

Anyone have/know this ratio?

AdminNightStrike January 9 2008 12:15 AM EST

You're better off, I think, going for total XP to MTL, not VPR to MTL. The MPR equations that we have are all approximated using regression equations, and so are not entirely accurate, especially when multiplying them through another function to generate a second regression equation. The inaccuracies will mount.

TheHatchetman January 9 2008 9:51 PM EST

Yeah... this seems appropriate for the changelog...

Lochnivar January 9 2008 10:18 PM EST

You mean this formula Ranger?

VPR = 9.515*(MTL^0.8)

accurate within 0.2% I believe...

miteke [Superheros] January 11 2008 1:23 PM EST

How about adding weapon allowance stats too?

QBRanger January 11 2008 1:35 PM EST


I think everyone would love to see that.

AdminNightStrike January 11 2008 4:58 PM EST

MTL is an already-revealed stat, so it made sense to put it on the character display page. Weapon Allowance is in a different league as MTL, as it is not currently revealed anywhere, aside from Jon's original description that it is 2/3 of all trained XP (which from all testing appears inaccurate at best.)
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