Wiki: Evasion and multipliers (in General)

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] January 5 2008 4:06 PM EST

The factors for the ranged rounds don't multiply the effect, they multiply the level. For example, a level 1.5 million Evasion has an effect of 131. That does NOT translate into 305 in round one of ranged; instead, it translates into a level 3.5 million Evasion. The defensive dexterity, long thought to NOT multiply by the factors, in fact, DOES (according to Jonathan).So, in round one, this equates to an effective defensive dexterity of 3.5 million plus any pre-existing dexterity.

If I remember correctly this paragraph is wrong, or at least the first half. Ranger and I were going back and forth about why he was missing Hubbell and I suggested it might be because the effect(s) were being multiplied instead of the level... Jon agreed.

I want to be sure I remember this correctly before I update the wiki...

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] January 5 2008 4:19 PM EST

found it
AdminJonathan, Sep 29 2007
> If minus to hit wasn't multiplied by level, but instead by effect, that might explain what you're seeing.

Time to get editing, at least I have a reference for the change now

BootyGod January 5 2008 4:20 PM EST

Go novinator!

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] January 5 2008 4:48 PM EST

Wiki is updated...

The factors for the ranged rounds multiply the effect. For example, a level 1.5 million Evasion has an effect of 131. That translates into 305 in round one of ranged.

AdminNightStrike January 5 2008 7:56 PM EST

I thought that was fixed...

Flamey January 5 2008 8:01 PM EST

that doesn't make sense.. You're saying my (80) evasion is (160) in the first round of ranged?

QBRanger January 5 2008 8:06 PM EST

No Flamey,

If your opponent uses a HoC, it is 80 x 2.333 = 187.

2nd round it is 80 x 2 =160

3rd round it is 80 x 1.6666= 134

4th or last missile round it is 80 x 1.333 = 107

In addition to the multipliers to the defensive dexterity you get.

Now you see why most people believe evasion is too powerful in missile rounds.

AdminNightStrike January 5 2008 8:11 PM EST

"Now you see why most people believe evasion is too powerful in missile rounds. "

I guess that's what happens when you try to use a PTH-reducer to counter unholy damage values.

QBRanger January 5 2008 8:19 PM EST

Well being able to spend 20M xp to counter over 100M in NW as well as over 70M in EC is a bit unbalanced. Do you not think?

Ulord[NK] January 5 2008 8:48 PM EST

I might also add that by equipping a simple bow of any nw, 60% of your EC experience can be nullified against an evasion minion in melee. Evasion is the best skill in cb :).
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