Happy Birthday to me! (and you!) (in Off-topic)

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] December 30 2007 5:13 PM EST

I'm old... you're rich (we'll 10k richer)

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] December 30 2007 5:13 PM EST

first 20 people!

RVT December 30 2007 5:14 PM EST

Happy Birthday :)

The Doc [AAA] December 30 2007 5:14 PM EST


Yukk December 30 2007 5:14 PM EST

Congrats Novice ! (send my 10k to charity) :)

{CB1}-Mokaba December 30 2007 5:15 PM EST

Happy Birthday Novice :)

Thraklight Resonance December 30 2007 5:18 PM EST


Adminedyit [Superheros] December 30 2007 5:20 PM EST

Happy B Day nov !!!!!!!!!!!!

Picasso December 30 2007 5:20 PM EST

Happy Birthday!

GummyBear December 30 2007 5:22 PM EST

Happy Bday dude, keep the 10k as a present :P

Windwalker December 30 2007 5:25 PM EST

We are both old. Happy B-Day Oh Wise one. Keep the change ;)

AdminG Beee December 30 2007 5:29 PM EST

Happy Birthday 6

QBOddBird December 30 2007 5:30 PM EST

Merry Birthday to you!
Merry Birthday to you!
Merry Birthday dear novvy
Merry Birthday to you!

QBJohnnywas December 30 2007 5:34 PM EST

Happy birthday young QB!

(sound of impending doom - otherwise known as last birthday of his thirties approaching this QB......)

But enough of my problems, HAPPY BIRTHDAY nov boyo!!!

Ulord[NK] December 30 2007 5:38 PM EST

Happpy Birthday!!

Brakke Bres [Ow man] December 30 2007 5:44 PM EST

Happy B-day Novice :)
Have a good one.

SundariZelia [The Knighthood] December 30 2007 5:44 PM EST

Happy Birthday nov! :)

AdminShade December 30 2007 5:46 PM EST

Hey novice, you aren't that much of a novice anymore, grats!

Fanta [Fanta's Forge] December 30 2007 5:49 PM EST

Happy B-Day Novice! :D

Esoteric December 30 2007 5:52 PM EST

Happy B-day!

Tyriel [123456789] December 30 2007 5:58 PM EST

Happy B-day, Nov!

Admindudemus [jabberwocky] December 30 2007 6:13 PM EST

have a good one! woot.

00 December 30 2007 6:15 PM EST

happy b-day buddy.

drudge December 30 2007 6:21 PM EST

happy birthday

TheHatchetman December 30 2007 6:21 PM EST

Go novice! It's your birthday!
W'ere gonna party like it's your birthday!
We're gonna sip some Cuervo like its your birthday!
And then we can forget about your birthday!

Have a good one ^_^

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] December 30 2007 6:31 PM EST

Thanks everyone!

QBnovice (Gringotts)		dudemus (igot noname)	$10000	6:26 PM EST
QBnovice (Gringotts)		Tyriel (The Czar)	$10000	6:26 PM EST
QBnovice (Gringotts)		III ReLLiK III (Peace Killer)	$10000	6:25 PM EST
QBnovice (Gringotts)		Fanta (The End of Days)	$10000	6:24 PM EST
QBnovice (Gringotts)		AdminShade (Children of Hurin)	$10000	6:23 PM EST
QBnovice (Gringotts)		SundariZelia
(Nocturnal Spaghetti)	$10000	6:23 PM EST
QBnovice (Gringotts)		Henk Bres (The Henk)	$10000	6:22 PM EST
QBnovice (Gringotts)		[Broke]Ulord[NK]
(Rigwarl Bristleback)	$10000	6:21 PM EST
QBnovice (Gringotts)		QBJohnnyWas (Monkey Business)	$10000	6:21 PM EST
QBnovice (Gringotts)		QBOOTY (Hejin)	$10000	6:20 PM EST
QBnovice (Gringotts)		AdminG Beee (Double Trouble)	$10000	6:19 PM EST
QBnovice (Gringotts)		Windwalker (Yanki)	$10000	6:18 PM EST
QBnovice (Gringotts)		LOTR (LordOfTheRings)	$10000 -- Naw...	6:17 PM EST
QBnovice (Gringotts)		Picasso (The Peanut)	$10000	6:16 PM EST
QBnovice (Gringotts)		Adminedyit (Edyit)	$10000	6:16 PM EST
QBnovice (Gringotts)		Thrakaria Andrew Pain
(Earl Of Happy)	$10000	6:15 PM EST
QBnovice (Gringotts)		Mokaba (Mokaba II)	$10000	6:13 PM EST
QBnovice (Gringotts)		Charity (CharityOverflow2007)	$10000	6:12 PM EST
QBnovice (Gringotts)		The Doc (The Rat Pack)	$10000	6:09 PM EST
QBnovice (Gringotts)		Ziamara (Carprofen)	$10000	6:09 PM EST

raize December 30 2007 6:41 PM EST

It's a little late, but, Happy birthday, and thanks for the help yesterday!

Flamey December 30 2007 8:23 PM EST

Happy birthday, nov :)

QBRanger December 30 2007 8:40 PM EST

Happy B-Day, you old dog!

QBBast [Hidden Agenda] December 30 2007 8:46 PM EST

Happy Birthday, kyoobeeNov!

j'bob December 30 2007 9:04 PM EST

happy happy! happy birthday. happy happy! happy birthday.
oh yeah.

drudge December 30 2007 9:22 PM EST

....thanks everyone but drudge according to that xfer log

Mikel [Bring it] December 30 2007 9:23 PM EST

Happy Birthday Novice :)

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] December 30 2007 9:56 PM EST

QBnovice (Violent Femmes) drudge (Born Again) $1 -- Happy? 9:55 PM EST

Consolation prize for being only two away from 20...

drudge December 30 2007 10:00 PM EST

snip snap bam snappy!

A Lesser AR of 15 [Red Permanent Assurance] December 30 2007 10:17 PM EST

Happy B-Day! Vodka for all!

QBBarzooMonkey December 30 2007 10:43 PM EST

S dniom rojdeniya, comrade novice!

DarkDemonWolf [Guardians of Chaos] December 30 2007 11:04 PM EST

happy birthday and u still look young to me. hopefully u get all that u want and more

Hyrule Castle [Defy] December 31 2007 2:22 AM EST

sorry i'm late!

did i miss the party?

Happy Birthday Nov!

(what are you like....22? 23?)


Marlfox [Cult of the Valaraukar] December 31 2007 11:01 AM EST

Happy (late!) B-Day, nov! And happy New year to everyone else!

Rubberduck[T] [Hell Blenders] December 31 2007 2:28 PM EST

Happy Birthday to you :)
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