Anyone actually use one for real?
December 30 2007 12:41 AM EST
I'll be using one come Jan 5th. It will be very useful.
[Bring it]
December 30 2007 12:58 AM EST
I do on my mage wall. I have used it since the decrease in xp per level, basically, quite a few mages damage skyrocketed.
I used one on my mage for a while and I'll put it back when I hire my next minion.
EH needs to work in regards to to GA return and the decay of it's magic reduction needs to be changed.
I had planned on using one... but I had to get myself out of debt. Again.
Was going to be using it purely for a Mage Wall. ^.^
December 30 2007 11:17 AM EST
The only really effective use is on the last minion, against MM mages or familiars. Those aren't nearly as common at higher levels as they used to be at one point, so the EH is a little obsolete right now, and I agree with novice that a tweak to make it useful in melee rounds is probably in order...
December 30 2007 1:11 PM EST
True...but TSA regeneration combined with the massive DD reduction possible through a combination of AMF/MgS/AC/ToE/soforth means that the TSA really is better, unless you plan to end combat within 4 rounds...and even then, it's close...
"unless you plan to end combat within 4 rounds"
I guess that's why Mikel's the primary user :) :)
December 30 2007 1:57 PM EST
On my 2 minion (MM mage + AS Enchanter) and FF team, the EH goes really well on the Mage. It allows it to survive an extra round in range to deal more damage. The EH wins me some fights.
Also, my MM mage being in front, it is not even equipped on my back minion.
December 30 2007 2:40 PM EST
Considering the EH has a 2% magic penalty and the TSA a 10%, the EH is much better for mage/enchanters if you use AS to boost their HP.
Also, the EH may let a minion survive an extra round, thereby dispersing the FB or COC damage one extra round. Which of itself may turn a battle.
December 30 2007 2:50 PM EST
But I do agree the EH should have a better "cooldown" on its magic resistance.
Perhaps 1/4 decay instead of 1/2 a rounds.
December 30 2007 4:33 PM EST
I dropped the EH for a larger MCM. Worked better, and lowered my PR. EH... Nah.
I currently use two EH on my team... one on my Evasion minion and one on my enchanter... helps quite well in combo with my AS to disperse FB for an extra round or so... That and I could always try it on my Back mage wall... but I still see the Tsa as pulling me through more fights with the natural 2.5 mil hp on the wall.
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