CB Santa Found (in General)

Brakke Bres [Ow man] December 25 2007 8:15 AM EST

Not posting this for myself:

<Hivemind> You found a CB Santa: Create a thread in the General forums letting us all know which thread you found him in and Santa's little helper AdminG_Beee will send you something nice.
<Hivemind> thats great.....except im banned from the forums :/

So im posting this for him.

In this thread:

First post.
Well done

AdminG Beee December 25 2007 8:29 AM EST

Happy holidays: AdminG Beee (AdminBeee) Hivemind (Hivemind) $250000 -- CB Santa 8:27 AM EST Father Christmas

I've also lifted your Forum ban Hivemind. Please don't make me think of it as a mistake at a later date.

Hivemind [The Hive] December 25 2007 8:42 AM EST

Thanx a lot. I wont be a problem, no worries.

BootyGod December 25 2007 9:01 AM EST

GO G_Beee!!!!!
This thread is closed to new posts. However, you are welcome to reference it from a new thread; link this with the html <a href="/bboard/q-and-a-fetch-msg.tcl?msg_id=002JEL&msg_id=002JEL">CB Santa Found</a>