Hatchet Hates Hospitals! (in Off-topic)

TheHatchetman December 22 2007 1:55 PM EST

I've been gone the past two and a half days (anyone miss me? :P) due to having to make another hospital trip because I couldn't breathe, yet again... This time, they kept me in...

I am not a fan of hospitals (see title of thread)... They take a heavy toll from the little mental stability I have left, and I have never gotten good news from one. Instead, just about every hospital I've ever been to has led to the experience of getting to watch a buncha people that don't seem to know their [head] from a hole in the ground, as they keep track of my health...

This experience was particularly fun... For one, they kept me longer for an asthma attack than the hospital where I used to live did for a 45mph helmetless bike wreck... It was also nice being roomed with the 86-yr old man that craps himself 6-8 times a day, and pukes at least 20... Even better with the puking, is that in 86 years, he apparently still hasnt learned to tilt his head forward when he pukes. So instead of the barf noise we're all accustomed to, I got the thrilling experience of listening to the "power-gargle"... What's better, is that this man never sleeps... Just sits there, with his light on, hiccuping every 30 seconds (seriously, you could set your watch by it).

Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against the old man, as he was obviously old and ill. But I wasn't too pleased with being in the brightest, loudest, smelliest room in the entire hospital while trying to sleep...

To make things even better, I got discharged today at lunch time. Just in time for breakfast to disagree with my stomach. Just got out of the hospital, and im sick, yet again. Go me!

TheHatchetman December 22 2007 1:58 PM EST

Oh yeah, forgot to add:

I had my sister log onto my yahoo messanger and let two people know what was up, and yahoo goes and fines me... :P

QBJohnnywas December 22 2007 2:01 PM EST

"To make things even better, I got discharged today at lunch time."

Given the content that preceded this sentence, I'm sorry to admit I found that particularly funny.


Hospitals at Christmas are particularly bad. Try and stay home for the rest of the holiday!

QBRanger December 22 2007 2:09 PM EST

Why did Yahoo fine you?

iBananco [Blue Army] December 22 2007 2:38 PM EST

For sharing accounts, of course. It gives Hatch an unfair advantage, since there's no way he'd be able to talk to as many people as he did.

Ulord[NK] December 22 2007 2:38 PM EST

Sorry to hear that TH. Hope you get better and enjoy the holiday. I too hate hospital. Something to do with my dead uncle when I was young but that's another story entirely :)

TheHatchetman December 22 2007 10:11 PM EST

Couple hours of laying down, Pepto Bismol, a lotta pukin', chicken noodle soup, some Gatrade and Ginger Ale, and everybody's favorite axe-weilding psychopath is back to normal :)

I may also quit smoking the brown stuff... Had a cigarette earlier while waiting on my prescriptions at the pharmacy (first in almost 3 days), and didn't even enjoy the damn thing... Put it out halfway and haven't had an urge since :)

[LittleRed]Calynne December 22 2007 10:15 PM EST

*comforts poor hatchet* I dont see how Yahoo could fine you, unless somehow they knew it was your sister and not you? which is hard, since if she has the password it could very well be you?


Yahoo's evil.

[P]Mitt December 22 2007 10:26 PM EST

Don't smoke, hatchet! It makes asthma even worse :( :(

TheHatchetman December 22 2007 10:45 PM EST

'tis my main motivation to quit...

AdminNightStrike December 22 2007 10:50 PM EST

"I had my sister log onto my yahoo messanger and let two people know what was up, and yahoo goes and fines me... :P"


DrAcO5676 [The Knighthood III] December 23 2007 5:51 AM EST

"I had my sister log onto my yahoo messanger and let two people know what was up, and yahoo goes and fines me... :P"

If you couldn't tell he was playing a joke there... And I'm glad you are getting better Hatch... Just keep in mind that Smoking definitely doesn't help things... Glad that your back ^_^

[LittleRed]Calynne December 23 2007 8:27 AM EST

Feels kind of stupid. Didn't know it was a joke at first. xD
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