YOU/Tyriel Deal (in Public Record)

YOU December 20 2007 11:03 AM EST

From: Tyriel Sent: 9:13 AM EST Delivered: 11:02 AM EST
Alright, I'll sell you $6m CB for $30 USD. Make a PR thread about it, and I'll tell you where to send the money, and send the CBD after I get home from school.

I confirm this

Tyriel [123456789] December 20 2007 7:58 PM EST


Tyriel (The Czar) YOU (TheOne) $6000000 -- For $30 USD 7:55 PM EST

I sent you (or YOU, for those of you non-YOUs that may be looking) a CM telling you the e-mail address of the Paypal account. :)
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