I am back and failed to reroll NBC! Please Help! (in General)

YOU November 27 2007 5:56 PM EST

I just bumped back to cb2 today, reroll a nbc ! enlist a new minion for $30 and....i do not see an option where I can put a fireball or any other skills at all. Shouldn't I have some exp when i enlist a minion?
I might have miss something here.
P.S: Java version 6.3 that i have doesn't let me chat. Is there a way to fix this?

Eurynome Bartleby [Bartleby's] November 27 2007 6:05 PM EST

Things you dont have enough EXP to train will not appear on the train menu, IIRC.

Admindudemus [jabberwocky] November 27 2007 6:05 PM EST

you don't start with xp. buy a dagger, fight a few fights then sell it and train fireball.

YOU November 27 2007 6:07 PM EST

I feel like a noob. It must have been so long. Thanks!
Any help on the correct java version i would need? I have like...6.3

Eurynome Bartleby [Bartleby's] November 27 2007 6:13 PM EST

6.2 here, apparently. Everything works super fine.

drudge November 27 2007 6:23 PM EST

what is chat doing?

YOU November 28 2007 12:29 PM EST

Chat Blender 3.1.7 starting...
Error creating Socket: lava.net.ConnectException: Connection refused: connect

Maelstrom November 28 2007 2:58 PM EST

You only need Java if you want to use chat. If chat isn't working and you don't use it, you can turn it off on the Settings page (top-right corner of sidebar). Java 6.3 is the current version, and should work as well as any other version. If you're really desperate to get into chat, you could try uninstalling Java 6.3 from your computer, and then install Java 5.0. But again, it shouldn't make a difference.

Rubberduck[T] [Hell Blenders] November 28 2007 6:56 PM EST

Were you chat banned before you left ;)

YOU November 28 2007 6:57 PM EST

Opss, Can't say i remember if that was the case or not.
<I do remember the posting ban though>
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