Ahhzz, saying hi :) (in New players)

Ahhzz November 21 2007 4:13 PM EST

Ok, so it's a bit different, but definitely amusing!

48xVanished48 November 21 2007 4:15 PM EST

Welcome to Carnage Blender. Enjoy your stay. :)

Marlfox [Cult of the Valaraukar] November 21 2007 4:15 PM EST

Amusing? This is the best game that ever graced the internet! Well, almost.
Welcome to CB!

BlueWolf November 21 2007 4:15 PM EST

We tend to get that way.

Welcome to the game, enjoy yourself!

Don't be scared to say hi in chat. :)

Flamey November 22 2007 6:16 AM EST

Welcome :)
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