Rockstar Commercial (in Off-topic)

Mem November 20 2007 11:36 PM EST

Check out the Rockstar commercial I helped to create. Unfortunately YouTube compresses the heck out of video so it looks really artifact-y, but it's still pretty decent.

Stephen November 20 2007 11:38 PM EST

The url contained a malformed video id.

QBOddBird November 20 2007 11:39 PM EST

I think that's the " at the end of the URL - just copy the URL and paste it into your browser and remove that part, I figure. I'd try it and tell you, but I'm a dialupper.

Mem November 20 2007 11:47 PM EST

How about this time?

QBsutekh137 November 20 2007 11:58 PM EST

That's sweet!

AdminNightStrike November 21 2007 1:19 AM EST

What was your contribution to the video creation?

SNK3R November 21 2007 1:26 AM EST

"Director of Photography," whatever that entails. :)

Mem November 21 2007 10:41 AM EST

I lit the model, operated the camera, and did all the still product photography.

AdminShade November 21 2007 11:14 AM EST

Looks nice, who's the model?

Mem November 21 2007 11:31 AM EST

Model: Caitlin Kramer (It says so on the page...)

AdminShade November 21 2007 11:40 AM EST

does that page also have her mobile number? :p

QBsutekh137 November 21 2007 12:01 PM EST

Shade, you dawg.

smallpau1 - Go Blues [Lower My Fees] November 21 2007 12:27 PM EST

Mems got that number on speed dial #2, =P

Looks good, Good Job Mem!

Marlfox [Cult of the Valaraukar] November 21 2007 1:13 PM EST

Nice job Mem!
(Funny, SmallPaul :)

Sir Leon [Soup Ream] November 21 2007 9:08 PM EST

Looks Great! Good Job Mem!
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