November 9 2007 5:17 PM EST
7.5 mil loan with 10% fixed one time interest fee. Confirm?
confirmed and money sent.
(Nocturnal Spaghetti) KosMos (Slayers) $7500000 -- loan 5:18 PM EST
adding another 1.5M and the corresponding interest
also please post your payments here, I might not notice if you just send the money.
November 25 2007 2:39 PM EST
lesee if this will work... Going to sedn 2.5 mil to Sundried Zomatoes ^_^ to knock debt down to 7.4 mil left
November 25 2007 2:41 PM EST
>.> stupid sending costs, going to have to wait 7 hours to raise 25k to send...
November 25 2007 5:48 PM EST
I will post here every time I make a payment to make sure that it is being kept track of rather than lost in the mail.
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