"A Tragedy" by Theophile Marzials (in Off-topic)

drudge November 5 2007 4:01 PM EST

The barges down in the river flop.
Flop, plop.
Above, beneath.
From the slimy branches the grey drips drop...
To the oozy waters, that lounge and flop...
And my head shrieks-"Stop"
And my heart shrieks-"Die"

chosen as the worst poem ever written in the English language, in the book Very Bad Poetry.

Blarg November 5 2007 4:02 PM EST


Maelstrom November 5 2007 4:13 PM EST

I thought that poem was very evocative and expressive. Much more effective than those silly lovey-dovey poems. By the end, I could sympathize with the poet's desire for it to stop and die.

Eurynome Bartleby [Bartleby's] November 5 2007 4:17 PM EST

Haha, this reminds me of how I write my own short stories.

I liked it XD

BootyGod November 5 2007 5:15 PM EST

"quite rly"


And I liked the poem...
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