Looking for a job in a new state (in Off-topic)

NotSuitablForChildren [Yeeeaahh.................] November 4 2007 4:12 AM EST

I live in Michigan and it sucks. I was curious if anyone around here know of a good job (ie. $12/hour) in any other states. I just need to know if they are hiring and possibly get some phone numbers. I can do just about anything, I have done roofing, rough in, finish carpentry. I have been a custodian, I have been the GM for 3 pizza restaurants,and a Subway. I am serve safe certified, and OSHA certified. I do marketing, I have been a sales man and I am full of charisma. BTW I do lawn work, I can weld, and have done telemarketing. If anyone knows any companies outside of Michigan that are potentially hiring and could give me phone numbers please CM me. I am desperate to get out of this state, an ready to leave tomorrow.

QBBast [Hidden Agenda] November 4 2007 5:09 AM EST

Monster.com. Pick a state you like and find a job there. Pick a job you like and find what state it's in. Good luck!

NotSuitablForChildren [Yeeeaahh.................] November 4 2007 5:15 AM EST

Bast you sure do know how to use this interweb thing we call the net. That is one tool that I am looking into however first person referrals were preferable. So if you know a buddy that needs another person to do roofing etc. let me know.

48Zach November 4 2007 8:18 AM EST

Canada always has jobs availible =)

Mem November 4 2007 8:46 AM EST

*Hint hint* Find a state (like Florida) that doesn't have a state income tax. Those are the states that are flourishing right now. There's a Domino's Pizza right down the road that's hiring...

Lochnivar November 4 2007 12:46 PM EST

yeah Zach's got a point....
I live in Victoria BC and everywhere is hiring (a lot of construction too)

Calgary needs a lot of workers too, but I wouldn't recommend the winters.

As far as I know those two cities are tied for the lowest unemployment in the country. With the recent changes to the exchange rate you could do quite well (i've heard of some places offering $20/hr starting wage on construction sites)

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] November 4 2007 12:52 PM EST

I didn't think it was that easy to move Northward...

SNK3R November 4 2007 12:59 PM EST

Don't you even think about it, Novice... ;)

Maelstrom November 4 2007 1:27 PM EST

My company has an office in Nashua, NH. I don't know anything about the place, and I don't know anyone there, but if you're interested, I can give you the site with a list of jobs available. Most of the available positions are in Finance/Accounting, Sales, and R&D.

phrog November 4 2007 3:19 PM EST

I'm biased about this one but I don't think you can find a better job than firefighter. Just pick a city and look for their testing date. Pay is good. Time off is awesome. Fun work. Check it out.

TheHatchetman November 4 2007 3:26 PM EST

TAG is a technical support company where you sit on your butt in the AC for 12 hours a day making $14-$16 an hour after training. Overtime is granted upon request, though they will only schedule you for 40 hours normally. Which will leave you with 3 and a half days off every week.
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