Down with Tabs: or How I wanted to be able to see my entire team all a (in General)

Mem November 3 2007 2:47 AM EDT

Who's with me?

And while you're at it, I'd like to be able to see the effect my items actually have.

chuck1234 November 3 2007 2:48 AM EDT

while i do like the present tabbed arrangement [rem: i am single minion], maybe Jon can present this tabbed version as the default, and the previous format as an option for all those who want the status quo, if that is possible for the code that is.

NotSuitablForChildren [Yeeeaahh.................] November 3 2007 2:54 AM EDT

I'm with you. plus I would like to be able to see all my equipment at once again. Plus I have quietly been against this whole re-theming of things. I don't honestly see the purpose or necessity of it, but I respect that Jon must have gotten kinda bored with the way things were. If it makes it all easier on him, more power to it.

Wasp November 3 2007 3:05 AM EDT

The tabs do look pretty... well bad. I know a lot of time has been spent doing it, but it looks shoddy and not helpful.

AdminQBVerifex November 3 2007 3:21 AM EDT

Pixel was the one who made this whole theme, if you didn't like it so much, why didn't you speak up about it then?

Ragatag November 3 2007 3:53 AM EDT

there should be an option to use these new tabs or the original.

krasko November 3 2007 5:41 AM EDT

I am with you.I want to see my team at once too.I want to be able to change to:new view or old view.

Zoglog[T] [big bucks] November 3 2007 6:14 AM EDT

When Pixel's mock designs were made there was absolutely no mention of tabs, how do we speak up against something that wasn't in the plan?

AdminShade November 3 2007 7:31 AM EDT

Perhaps give 1 general tab and then split it up in your minions?

Mem November 3 2007 11:32 AM EDT

Did anyone really believe Pixel was going to follow through this time? I sure didn't...

QBRanger November 3 2007 11:42 AM EDT

I thought it was a pipe dream.

Little Devil November 3 2007 11:48 AM EDT

I agree with MeM the tabs must go there to much like work the old way was much much better

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] November 3 2007 11:50 AM EDT


Wait until the upgrade is done, commission your own theme and leave the complaining for the RoBF thread.

smallpau1 - Go Blues [Lower My Fees] November 3 2007 11:51 AM EDT

i said in chat that we should have the main tab show all our minions with the items equipped and nothing else, no spell effects. Then under each minion tab show the spell effects without items equipped.

muon [The Winds Of Fate] November 3 2007 10:57 PM EDT


I was about to start a thread saying how much I absolutely _love_ the new tabbed arrangement. Seriously, I think it's great.

I guess I'm not a regular or hardcore player, but yeah, I really like the visual organisation of the pages now.


Flamey November 4 2007 1:47 AM EST

"When Pixel's mock designs were made there was absolutely no mention of tabs, how do we speak up against something that wasn't in the plan?"

I'm pretty sure his mock-up had tabs, on the sidebar as well.

QBJohnnywas November 4 2007 6:47 AM EST

I can't access the old mock ups but yeah, I remember tabs too.

hzarb November 4 2007 7:36 AM EST

I'm 100% behind Mem. I'm missing the old theme badly - it was "crude" but incredibly easy to use & much more logical.

Maelstrom November 4 2007 8:05 AM EST

I believe that Jon has made it clear that he won't go back to the old layout. So if you don't like how things are now, you'll need to provide a better alternative. Isn't that the way things are always done here? You need to sketch/photoshop some alternative layouts to how things can be arranged. Keep in mind that Jon will not increase the width of the screen.

A possible solution that occurred to me is to have three tabs on the home page: Summary, Stat Details, and Equipment Details.

- The Summary page could be similar to the old layout, but showing less stat info (just the effective stats) and only the equipped items (without the dropdown lists).

- The Stat Details page could be similar to the current training page, and show all stat info, possibly with subtabs to view stat details for individual minions.

- The Equipment Details would have to show all minions, and and all unequipped items together. This would need to be a similar layout to the old homepage. I suppose it would also need to show effective stats, so we can tell the effect of items.

Meh, maybe that's too complicated. I'm just brainstorming. But the point is, let's give Jon ideas for improving the layout, instead of just complaining!

Mem November 4 2007 8:44 AM EST

But if it's not broken, then why fix it? Especially when the "fix" is breaking it... I can't even train right now!

Maelstrom November 4 2007 9:39 AM EST

I just photoshopped a Summary tab for the homepage:

Free Image Hosting at

Very crude and possibly unusable with a 4-minion team that has more and higher-level stats, but it's an idea.

QBBarzooMonkey November 4 2007 9:51 AM EST

I've always agreed with the "don't just complain, give alternatives" philosophy, but in this case, I'm just going to complain because I agree with Mem, and I hate the tabs that much. I want to see all of my minions at once, especially on the train page, period.

{CB1} DeFiAnT [Jago] November 4 2007 11:38 AM EST

Normally I stay quit but I have to include my 2 cents on this one. This is a change that has taken away from the CB feel. CB (as I always looked at it) operated on the KISS theory and the tabs have moved away from that.

Little Devil November 4 2007 1:59 PM EST

Im with you Mem I want the old way back myself

AdminNightStrike November 4 2007 2:06 PM EST

Jeez, guys.. it's one thing to be constructive... it's another to be mean. Just be patient.

phrog November 4 2007 4:05 PM EST

Defiant said it well. I liked the simplicity of CB-that is why I started playing.

I really want to see all my minions at once. I also prefer the view where weapons and armor are shown in two groups instead of one long list.

Just my opinion.

lostling November 4 2007 7:24 PM EST

if its possible jon... could just merge all inventory and money from all the characters? it seems quite pointless keeping it spread out like that....

and is it possible to make a theme that doesnt involve tabs? (separate theme i mean) *using snk4r's theme* :)

AdminNightStrike November 4 2007 11:19 PM EST

"f its possible jon... could just merge all inventory and money from all the characters? it seems quite pointless keeping it spread out like that.... "

I've wanted that for ages.... money, especially.
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