time to intro duce myself (in New players)

SCORPIOUS October 29 2007 2:08 PM EDT

Hi to all ,thought it was high time i said Gday, as ive been working out the finner details of this battlerific game for a couple of weeks now and seem to have a good start so now im giving the forums a go. Look forward to meeting you on the cyber battle field.

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] October 29 2007 2:39 PM EDT


QBsutekh137 October 29 2007 2:49 PM EDT

Welcome to the Carnage!

Eurynome Bartleby [Bartleby's] October 29 2007 2:53 PM EDT

Hey there!

Adminedyit [Superheros] October 29 2007 2:56 PM EDT

Welcome to CB, if you need help with anything feel free to ask here in forums or come bug us in chat :-)

AdminShade October 29 2007 5:02 PM EDT

Welcome and enjoy your stay here!
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