October 28 2007 9:04 PM EDT
From approximately 8:00 (to at least) 9:00 server time, the script forging functions did not work. However the manual forging function did. The forum function works, and the fightlist works, but for whatever reason, the forging function does not work. This is probably more attributable to a fix that Jon is making at the time. But never the less, it is notable, because using the script gives the Server does not exist AOLserver/4.0.10 on page.
did you try reinstalling it? Did you upgrade it?
October 28 2007 10:21 PM EDT
I've tried reinstalling and upgraded my script to what I think is the most recent one..
The only problem now is that while clicking the "forge" button sends you to the forge, clicking it further (while in the forge) to start forging doesn't work.
October 28 2007 10:32 PM EDT
What Mitt said is correct.
October 28 2007 10:37 PM EDT
the links changed; the script is now outdated.
October 28 2007 11:14 PM EDT
No, before fexy updated the script, clicking the forge link would send you to a "Page not found" screen. After it was updated, it sends you to the forge, but won't let you do anything.
October 29 2007 12:34 AM EDT
sorry, I didn't even realize that aspect was working
This is odd, why is it that I can still forge with it, but nobody else can?
Could someone who is having these issues with the script please CM me so I can work this out?
no problems here Verifex :-)
October 29 2007 6:57 PM EDT
so basically I click the "forge" button and it sends me to the forge...
But click it further while in the forge does absolutely nothing.
Well, i'm using my buddies laptop and just downloaded the script on his comp. I'm having the same issue Mitt has described however, on my home computer i don't have any issues.
October 31 2007 9:47 PM EDT
This is still happening to me. I reinstalled the script, no success.
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